7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 272.5 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Aug, 2014 @ 9:44pm

Compared to the top MMO's Archeage brings diversity of to the table similiar to Final Fantasy V next to all the other Final Fantasy games. You get a huge selection of what you want your character to become. Archeage sets itself apart on this by engulfing the player in skill trees that the player gets to choose from himself whether you're a musical bard with an angry temper stunlocking your opponents with a 2hander or a Stealth healer who wants to be incognito about saving others lives.

Yes, Archeage is unlike other MMO's because it in itself combines what everyone loves into one game. A game in a league of its own and- the best part is its free. The combat system has its flaws but the combo system is genius. Making it an incentive to be able to combine abilities cross trees delves the depth of pvp to infinite level of abilities. There is no imbalance in a game with so many possibilities.

The only thing I can make a complaint about is the grinding in the game but the devs has had it easier by making farming piss easy by literally giving you the ability to make illegal farms or building a house so you can easiliy have your farm supplies on hand all the time. I find its worth buying..
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Anoxi 5 Aug, 2014 @ 11:52am 
Great game so far! Can't whait for the REAL release to come out..