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3,562 Hours played
Right now, CS2 feels like a semi completed game, some things are still broken or missing from the current version when compared to CSGO version.
I'm not gonna waste Internet space here, spitting saliva screaming about not working VAC and other redundant things that have been said by millions of other people.
Instead, I'm going to waste Internet space by having a rant of my own.
So, S U B T I C K. a very nice concept that should in theory help players hit their shots, right? Yes, it is a nice concept, but IMHO they should have stayed with the 64 tick since it worked better than subtick with its heat seeking bullets that kill you BEHIND the cover after 2-3 business days when you clearly got behind cover, got married, raised a son, builded a house, you get my point.
For some mysterious reason, CS2 loves to ignore shots that were a perfect headshot (unlike that one Niko's moment) and, as we call CS2 in Russian "Пж зарегай 2" or "Ebannoe Govno 2".
Enemy that peeks you like a Bugatti Chiron and gives you a headshot WHILST STILL MOVING ON YOUR SCREEN but on his screen he was already standing for 10000 years. Classic this one, literally a joke, desync is much bigger in CS2 than CSGO, peekers advantage is so big you could outpeek anybody as long as you can pre-aim their approximate location.

Now, for my own problems. Ping problems.
You see, I technically live in a village, where people didn't hear about optic fiber up until end of February 2025, so I'm still rocking DSL connection (at least it's not dial-up lul) and for 9 years I was playing with ping over 80, don't think it was 81 or 82, most of the times I had a ping of 100-120 and guess what? In CS:GO it wasn't as annoying as in CS2. IDK how, I blame subtick for it, but in CSGO the enemy could pick me and I could win a duel despite the 100ms disadvantage (why 100ms? Let me explain. I often play against people who's ping is 1 or literally NONE (0) so I hope that explains it) but in CS2 I can't do anything but cope hard. I honestly gave up being the peeked and became the peeker, that way at least I have a chance.
You cannot imagine the number of times when I played a 5D counterstrike and lost, (let me explain this one, take notes.)
So, hypothetically, we have your average 0 ping player (they exist) and me, your average 100 ping enjoyer, we both see each other at the same time (present), I manage to click his head faster than he does that, a 10/10 crosshair placement, crouching, 100% accuracy, shooting from an AWP, 11/10 times headshot, on my screen it is a clear headshot, I get a headshot sound and visual confirmation (his head literally exploding on my screen) that my opponent's head was just removed, BUT here is where magic begins. Because of the 100 ping, I was in the PAST, and (taking into the account that hypothetically we have the same reaction time of an average human being of 200ms, so he has a total reaction time (total reaction time = human reaction time + ping) of 200ms and I had a total reaction time of 300ms (ping, duh)) he was in the PRESENT, technically I get killed from the FUTURE, but for the observer I haven't fired. If every time that has happened, I was given a Zimbabwe dollar, I wouldn't be rich because the conversion rate is not good.
Honestly, the solution to the part above is me getting better Internet (thx I couldn't figure that out if that wasn't for you) and I have already harassed (somewhat successfully) my local Internet provider (my beloved Cyta) to include my village in optic fiber coverage area, but I'm still getting fed by "we're going to call you back" when I try to actually connect myself to optic fiber.
The other solution is for Valve to open servers somewhere in Mediterranean region, make Turkish or Greek servers (yes, I can imagine the average interaction on that server) so people from Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, Greece, Turkie, Egypt, Syria can enjoy LOWER PING lobby's. Valorant made servers on Turkie, why can't VALVE? Probably lazy from counting all that cash money they made from sweet sweet case opening earnings.
Ability to choose a queue type, let me explain: I have played several games where 5 random people (my team) gets put up against a 5 MAN PREMADE (IN PREMIER) and idk how Valve came up with that brilliant idea of putting 5 people that (most likely) have played together before and got some sort of team teamplay going on AGAINST A POLISH FEMBOY THAT FOR SOME REASON ENDED UP ON SPAIN SERVERS DESPITE LIVING IN POLAND, A MONKEY-LIKE 2 IQ SPANISH 12 YEAR OLD THAT THROWS A TANTRUM EVERY SINGLE TIME HE GETS SLIGHTLY BLOCKED OR MISSES HIS SHOT, a chill dude (there's always at least 1 of those guys in your team) that genuinely is okay with chaos that is going on in his team, A PORTUGUESE THAT SCREAMS RACIAL SLURS AT THE SPANISH MONKEY (they have 5 intersections in their family tree), and me with 86-93 ping.
SUMMING THAT UP: Please, implement a function where a 5 stack gets queued up against another 5 stack, or at least a 3 man stack with a 2 man stack so it is somewhat fair.
Moment of silence for those poor souls that get put into a match with a 4 man premade, and they ignore you completely (don't be like that guys, if you queue as a 4 man stack, please, PLEASE, talk with your 5th guy, even if he is mentally underdeveloped, it will make a game better for everyone).

Overwatch is already out, just not for you I guess, hope it will come back one day or another.

VAC live is working (surprise!) but in it's own pace and rhythm. It solely depends on your trust factor, if you are going to join a HVH lobby or have an actually enjoyable game. When VAC detects a cheater, it's secondary aim is to collect the most signatures of the cheater so it has more training data to improve itself (if that how it works, Idk I don't work at VOLVO), and only then ban it. I have played few (not even several) matches where people got yeeted by VAC mid-game, best monke feeling where a person's account gets VAC'd and you WIN the game that you thought you have lost. Too bad that it was in CSGO and now the match gets cancelled if such thing occurs.
Second best thing if you feeling MONKE is to ban bought accounts, let me share a secret wisdom with you, if you have read that far into my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - you deserve to know this: if a person has a five year old medal AND NEXT TO IT IS A 10 YEAR MEDAL coin, and his account is 20-22 years old, this is your signal to cause malakia to that person, all you have to do is:
1. Open his steam profile
2. Click on these three dots (you know which ones I mean)
3. Click "report player"
4. Click on "they are involved in theft, scamming, fraud or other malicious activity"
5. Click on "their account seems to have been compromised"
6. Write something in lines of "This account was hacked and sold to other person" but make it bigger cuz steam support ACTUALLY READS IT
7. Ask your teamm8's/friends/family/dog to do these same steps
8. Wait for like a day and his account will get banned.
Congratulations, you have became a gamoto, bonus points if you have notified that person that you work at Valve and you (specifically you) will get his account banned.
Coming back to our rant, VAC. Lobbies above 25k elo is ALMOST just HVH, so don't bother going further than that, you will have VERY hard time.
Operation? We have operation at home!
Operation at home: armory.
Seriously, Volvo, please, the community is hungry for an O P E R A T I O N, not some knock off battle pass aah system that is boring af.
I do understand that it's second year after CS2 came out, and Volvo is focused right now on polishing the game, but COME ON VOLVO WE NEED A FILLER EPISODE
And I hope that Danger Zone will be back, better than before.
I would like to genuinely THANK Valve for unbanning iBUYPOWER roster, I never lost hope, however I didn't expect that to actually happen, That is pretty much it, thank you for reading the entire thing.
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Gambledore 10 Mar @ 8:21am 
-rep retarded ♥♥♥♥
kos23 6 Mar @ 8:43am 
я там жил какое то время хотя-бы. а ты?))
kos23 6 Mar @ 8:42am 
так у тебя Лимассол. и ты на русском пишешь)) в чем проблема?
kos23 5 Mar @ 9:37am 
да бро! Кипр!
Lord Bros 3 Mar @ 1:54pm 
Sell your skin and buy some decent internet poor idiot
Shara Bullet 18 Feb @ 10:26pm 
+rep 3