4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.2 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Sep, 2018 @ 11:49pm
Updated: 16 Sep, 2018 @ 4:08pm

Edit 9/16/18

Id like to state that I am in no way a game reviewer... ive done 2 out of the 150+ games i have. i dont really like to do it but this game fills an odd spot in my heart and id really like to see it improve. that being said the issues are very apparent to me, so excuse my lack of punctuation and any other mistakes.

I really want to like this game, but after reading other reviews and genuinely thinking about the game it seems theres a lot that needs to be worked on in the game. For starters the start of the American campaign can be rather challenging, even on easy. The Japanese start out with superior numbers for a start, and have a tendancy to deathball you with these superior numbers, before you have even repaired your 2 of your 3 battleships and have gotten your fleet going. Now this in itself is somewhat doable, you really need positioning... whats the problem then? Well my problem is that while youre dealing with this, 3 battleships are roflstomping the alucian islands before Ive even gotten a fleet to the marshal islands. i may be new to the game, hell even outright bad but the fleet power discrepency at the begining on easy, where ideally you should be learning mechanics and developing your late game strategies for harder difficulties, makes it rather hard to get past. on top of this there seem to be AI issues that other people have stated. finally there seem to be some pretty big bugs that i assume will be ironed out, such as a fleet with superior numbers engaging in battle and getting deleted instantly before you even get to enter battle, or being miles south of midway when you engage in a battle only to have the buildings glitch into the middle of the ocean where the battle is taking place.

So im editing this review because I just encountered something that has killed the game for me. After talking about how much this game fills a soft spot what could possibly do this? let me explain. I had finally gotten my carrier fleets together at midway to meet the japanese fleet head on. Recon shows they are half way between midway and wake... okay no big deal they are half way so i got some time right? They start a naval invasion from their position... teleporting landing ships on top of my carrier fleet/ they sink a few destroyers.. no biggie right? after the last landing ship is spawned they do it AGAIN and AGAIN until my entire fleet is dead. this is not only frustrating and infuriating but KILLS whatever aspect of fun this game had when i first played it

This game is incomplete, needs a lot of work, bug fixes, ui updates, and other things that im sure other reviewers have covered. they are asking for 40 dollars, with no sale.
No... i dont think thats fair or right. Im sure the devs really care for the game but this game isnt ready and shouldnt be listed as a full launch indie game.
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