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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.1 hrs on record
Posted: 5 Apr, 2016 @ 2:46pm

Honestly a very disappointing Spin-off from such a good game.

The main disappointment in which you CAN compare this game to Hunipop is he Writing and humour. THERE ISN'T ANY!

Huniepop was different from other match-3 games because of two main things: Well drawn scantily clad anime waifus and a decent amount of well written self-conscious diaglogue. The first of these things drew people in and the second kept them playing because they realised that this game had some actual effort put into it.

Hunicam however has barely any dialogue, mostly just Kyu's tutorial which is delivered fairly half-assedly. The meat of the game trys to keep you invloved by forcing you to click buildins whilst you're managing your girls, but honestly it's just boring. And i like management games! I was really looking forward to the idea of this game, but it's just not enjoyable to play.

Sorry Huniepot, you're one of my favourite developers but i didn't like the way you decided to go with this game. Best of luck with your next one though!
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