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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 356.9 hrs on record (209.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Oct, 2021 @ 6:28am
Updated: 20 Oct, 2021 @ 6:53am

Okay after 210 hours and 110 levels I have everything in the game including a ton of cosmetic items that I liked, It's been a fun grind but from here on there is nothing inviting in the game. almost half of the content is recycled in the cover of new updates so I doubt Rockstar actually cares about RDO.

There is a RP mode similar to what's going on in GTA V so you might give that a shot as well but as far as the original game goes 50-150 hours is the average range of getting bored and that is if you really like the settings and RDR2.
The first 100 hours is a grind-fest it will ease down after that but not really, mostly because you start to run out of things to buy.

The game is PvE at its core and has a nonfunctional PvP base, OP perks let you use your single-player inspired dead eye in multiplayer and higher level players have better perks/builds and tonics/potions and actual more hitpoints to counter your spongy bullets, PvE gets boring so fast mostly because the game throws enemies at you for random unknown reasons(similar to single-player).

Game has a huge problem with obvious hackers and a much bigger problem with legit-like hackers, the first group will burn your character even in defensive mode, make your character unable to do any interaction with the game world, spawn treasure chests that will get you banned and a lotta other creative ideas. the second group are much much worse because with the first one you can still avoid them by finding another session the second group render your grind useless cuz somehow rockstar's awful RAGE engine cannot make a decent multiplayer and almost every data should be on client's side and on Peer-to-Peer servers the ultimate low-cost business plan of rockstar.

You put hundreds of ours into your game but an average joe could run a simple cheat-engine script and get everything you have.

If you can get on with everything that I said congratulations you have hundreds of hours of entertainment on your hands.
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Durzza 18 Nov, 2021 @ 2:42pm 
the hackers can be avoided if you try, you also didnt mention the nice guy hackers that give people thousands of dollars b4 they get banned.

but yeah. this review is legit. -LVL 118 and still having fun
Ahab 17 Nov, 2021 @ 3:56pm 
Can confirm 100%. I have 350+ hours on RDO (Played it so much I'm still only 17% in on the story). I got the game straight from Rockstar on launch day (Nov 4 2019) and once my friends sent me an invite to online, it was game over. With friends RDO is obscenely fun, especially if you are just starting out. Even solo it is a blast. However, the lack of real content (alot of new content recycled and lacking in imagination, 2 years after release.. no train robberies or store robberies that you can do with a crew for example). Gold earnings used to be good but 6 months in they nerfed it. Hackers are a cancer and the biggest reason why this game should be avoided. If you never run into one, great enjoy the game.
짱구 25 Oct, 2021 @ 1:56am 
yes this game is fucked up because of Chinese hackers