Kasstelle 🌹
Kass   United States
“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa
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If you're looking for a game review you've come to the wrong place. But if youre looking for a fantastic ravioli recipe you've come to the right place.

- To Make the Dough
375 grams (3 cups) plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup (50 ml / 3½ tablespoons) olive oil
1/2 cup (120 ml / 8 tablespoons) water
Extra flour for dusting

- To Make Cheese Filling
15 ounces (425 grams) container Ricotta cheese
5 ounces (142 g/about 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons) "3 Cheese Italian Blend" (Parmesan, Romano & Asiago)
Note: grate these cheeses yourself and create your own custom blend.
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

- Extras
Your favorite sauce for the ravioli (i.e. marinara)
Parmesan cheese
Fried vegetables
Fish slices
Chicken pieces
Make the Ravioli filling.

- In a small mixing bowl, add the ricotta and mash with a fork.
- Add in the 3-cheese blend, Cheddar cheese, eggs, salt, and pepper.
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you have a smooth, paste-like consistency.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Make the Ravioli dough.

- Crack eggs into a large mixing bowl and beat them with a fork. Add water, oil, and salt. Mix.
- Add 1 cup flour to the bowl. Use a fork to mix the flour with the eggs, water, oil, and salt. Repeat with the rest of the flour. Mix until a smooth dough is formed.
- Clear and clean off a large work surface and dust it with flour. This is where you are going to roll out your dough.
- Take the dough out of the mixing bowl, shape it into a ball, and place it on your work surface. Knead for at least 10 minutes or until it becomes elastic.
- Dust a rolling pin with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Roll out the dough until it is about 1/8 inch (1/3 cm) thick, or about the thickness of 2 stacked quarters.
- With a cookie cutter or upside-down water glass, cut out circles in the dough (will make about 15-20 dough circles).
- Ball up the unused dough and either roll it out and make a couple more raviolis, or wrap it and put in the freezer for another time. Dough can keep for weeks when frozen. Just make sure to wrap well so that it doesn’t suffer from freezer burn or absorb freezer odor.

Fill the Ravioli shells.

- Take the ravioli filling out of the refrigerator and place a tablespoon of it in middle of a dough.
- Fill a small bowl with water, dip your fingers in, and moisten around the outer edge of the dough circle.
- Fold the dough in half over the filling, making a half-moon shape. Be sure all the filling stays inside. Pinch the edges together and then seal the edges of the ravioli with a fork. Make sure to press firmly and go all the way around. This will add a “homemade” touch as well.
- Repeat this process for all your dough circles.
- Dust the finished ravioli with flour to keep them from sticking together.

Form the Shells and Fill Using a Ravioli maker.

- Roll the dough into two sheets
- Place one sheet on the ravioli maker, and form the filling cups.
- Fill with the ravioli mixture.
- Lay the second sheet of dough on top, and roll it out. This will seal in the filling.
- Remove and separate the finished raviolis.

Cook the Ravioli.

- Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil.
- Place the ravioli in boiling water for 5-6 minutes, or until they float. You can also test for doneness by nibbling on the edges to test.
- If you don't want to make all the ravioli at one time, you can freeze the rest
- Take ravioli out of boiling water with large slotted spoon and place on warmed plates

Serve it up.
Top with your favorite sauce, grate some fresh cheese over it, and enjoy!
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8 1
Exploring Continued Fractions: from the Integers to Solar Eclipses
Introduction xiii
StrandI:Patterns 1
Tipsonproblem-solvingandspottingpatterns 2
Alookaheadatthreepatterns 4
ChapterI:TallyBonestotheIntegers 9
Tallybones 9
Atableofprimes? 10
Thesolutiontoapuzzle? 12
Abasetwelveorbasesixtysystem? 13
Baseten,basetwenty,baseeight,basetwo 15
Abinarydigitinterlude 16
Solvingtheshepherd’spuzzleandbeyond 19
Threepartingpuzzles 21
Exercises 23
StrandII:LeibnizandtheBinaryRevolution 29
Acontinuedfractionconnection 34
ChapterII:MathematicalInduction 37
Setnotationandthewell-orderingprinciple 37
Theprincipleofmathematicalinduction 41
Thefundamentaltheoremofarithmetic 43
Equivalenceclasses 45
Nim∗ 47
CaseStudy:Mancala∗ 57
Mancalanim∗ 60
Exercises 63
StrandIII:Al-MaghribîmeetsSudoku 69
ChapterIII:GCDsandDiophantineEquations 73
viii Contents
Thegreatestcommondivisor 74
Anancientalgorithmforthegreatestcommondivisor 78
TheDiophantinesolution 85
AlitmustestforEuclid’ssolution 88
Clockarithmetic 89
SystemsofDiophantineequations 92
Thetotientismultiplicative 93
AproblemfromDiophantus’sArithmetica 93
Exercises 94
StrandIV:FractionsinthePythagoreanScale 99
Anote-naminginterlude 100
HowPythagorasgeneratedhisscale 102
ChapterIV:ATreeofFractions 107
UnitaryfractionsinancientEgypt 108
Acontinuedfractiontradition 110
Fareysequences 111
Amediantinterlude∗ 116
TheStern-Brocottree 118
Agrandfinale∗ 130
Exercises 132
StrandV:BachandTheWell-TemperedClavier 139
Awell-temperedinnovation 141
Amusicalinterlude 142
Anequal-temperedrevolution 144
Acontinuedfractionconnection 145
ChapterV:TheHarmonicSeries 147
CaseStudy:JeepsintheDesert 157
Alookbehindandalookahead 162
Ageneratingfunctionfinale∗ 163
Exercises 166
StrandVI:AClayTablet 169
TheBabyloniannumbersystem 170
TheacceptedtransliterationofPlimpton322 172
ReciprocalpairsgeneratenormalizedPythagoreantriples 174
Findingtherealmofpotentialgenerators 178
Howthescribemayhavescreenedforgenerators 181
Thepurposeofthetablet 182
Contents ix
ChapterVI:FamiliesofNumbers 185
PrimitivePythagoreantriples 185
Binomialcoefficients 186
Fibonaccinumbers 190
Thecontinuedfractionrecursionfor𝑒 195
TheCatalannumbers∗ 197
Ben-Hurnumbers∗ 203
Pogo-stickhikesalongcontinuedfractions 209
Exercises 211
StrandVII:PlanetaryConjunctions 221
Afewconjunctionstories 221
Aroughguess 222
Anumericalapproach 223
Acontinuedfractionapproach 224
ChapterVII:SimpleandStrangeHarmonicMotion 229
Aheavenlyapproachtocircularmotion 229
Anearthlyapproachtocircularmotion∗ 234
Strangeharmonicmotion 240
Awhere,what,andwhyinterlude 244
Theharmonicalgorithm 246
Abluemoonapplication 251
Exercises 253
StrandVIII:TheSizeandShapeofUtopiaIsland 261
ChapterVIII:ClassicEllipticalFractions 271
Theprehistoryoftheellipse 272
ThetrammelofArchimedes 274
Anoldellipticalpuzzle 275
Amodelfortheheavens 278
Newton’scaseforaflattenedEarth∗ 280
TheFrenchexpeditionstoPeruandLapland 289
Afinalriddle 295
Exercises 299
StrandIX:TheCantorSet 303
Alotus-flowerintroduction 303
Ternarynotation 305
Arealitycheck∗ 308
ChapterIX:ContinuedFractions 311
x Contents
Alocalapproachtocontinuedfractions 311
Aglobalapproachtocontinuedfractions 318
Aplethoraofcontinuedfractions 322
Whytheuglyduckling𝐺isreallyaswan 328
AninterludedelineatingAlgorithm𝑂∗ 330
Dominancedomains 331
Theharmonicalgorithmisachameleon 332
Applyingcontinuedfractionstofactoringintegers 335
Thefirstinfinitecontinuedfraction 336
BlackholesandtherecedingMoon 340
Exercises 345
StrandX:TheLongevityofthe17-yearCicada 351
ChapterX:TransitsofVenus 357
Ahistoricalinterlude 358
AVenus-Earth-Sunmodel 362
Conditionsforatransittooccur 364
Recognizingthepattern 368
Arealitycheck 373
Aneasierwaytodeterminewhentransitsoccur 375
Afinalthought 375
Exercises 376
StrandXI:MetonofAthens 379
ChapterXI:LunarRhythms 383
Predictingthetimelapsebetweensuccessivenewmoons 384
Checkingtheexpectedlengthofshortandlongspans 389
Expectedvalueofthevariationinspansofyears∗ 391
Finalthoughts 393
Exercises 395
StrandXII:EclipseLoreandLegends 399
ChapterXII:DiophantineEclipses 405
AdaptingtheEarth-Moon-Sunmodel 405
Eclipseduration 408
Asufficientconditionforeclipses 408
Finding𝐻atanylunation 410
eclipses 412
Continuedfractioninsight 412
Contents xi
SomeDiophantinemagic 415
Lunareclipses 418
Arealitycheck 419
Afinalnote 420
Exercises 421
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you'll never be gabe
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Today's Scientific Found----------------
NASA warns !
Do not google Mami Mashiro 茉城真美(茉城まみ)

Do not see her Ins or watch any of her films!
I play fat like a pro 23 Mar, 2024 @ 6:51am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Manners Class 101
Today we have a guest speaker, Bart Simpson to teach us some manners.

For example, whenever greeting someone, don't just say hi!.
Instead, say :" I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?"

When leaving, instead of saying simple words like goodbey!, you should run and yell :" So long, suckers!"
I play fat like a pro 22 Mar, 2024 @ 7:36am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
It's another Friday!

As your mentor, I need to remind you that

You don't need fun to have alcohol!

And you surely don't need to be on Friday to get drunk!

Get Drunk 24/7!
I play fat like a pro 21 Mar, 2024 @ 7:45am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Study shows
if you like rain, you are most likely to like the rain because its sound can cover the sound of you masturbating.

if you don't like rain, it's because without the sound of the rain, people will hear you touching yourself, and you surely hate that.