4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 26.3 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Jun, 2016 @ 2:04pm
Updated: 17 Jun, 2016 @ 2:17pm

Early Access Review
Kk, I deleted my old review, since I felt it might have been harsh, so here I go again. The verdict is still the same (not recommended, at least at the moment), but I feel I now understand the game well enough to explain my reasons better.
All in all, this game shows a lot of potential, and is fun to play, even now. The graphics and music are pretty much "meh!", as in pretty bad, but don't matter anyway, and don't really influence my opinion of the game. What does influence it, is the gameplay mechanics.

Basically, this is a stripped-down / casual football manager. It really tries to be and look simple, but here is where I was starting to have problems.

The first problem, and perhaps the major one, is that it doesn't really succeed in being simple, at least when it comes being intuitive and understandable. I've clocked countless hours of gameplay on plenty of versions of both football manager games and action soccer games, such as FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer in the past, so I dare claim to be able to learn such games quick and easy. Not with Football Tactics, though. For a game that presumes to be simple, there sure are quite a lot of reading materials. While some of the skills and moves are easy enough to figure out while playing, others aren't, so don't plan on just jumping in and figuring out as you go.

The second problem regarding the game's presumed simple design, is that in some aspects, it is too simple. Soon enough, many things become tedious and tiresome, as the game becomes repetetive and dull. Some would choose the word 'boring'.

My last issue with the game is its core gameplay component - how it deals with every action within the soccer games. While I can't provide any proof of any of this, as I don't have access to the game code, I feel very strongly that sometimes, in specific situations, the results don't make sense. I took quite a few games as test cases and explained this in much detail in the forums. I got some answers from the developers, but I still feel that while there's no bias to either side (I'm pretty sure the AI doesn't "cheat"), some results don't make sense. As this game is still on "Early Acess" at the time of writing this review, I dare say that at least in my humble opinion, the AI needs work just as much as any other aspect of the game, if not more.

Also, some interactive tutorials would be helpful as well.

TL;DR - A promising game, but I suggest waiting for improvements, especially with the AI.
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