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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 888.4 hrs on record (116.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Oct, 2021 @ 3:05pm

I will preface this by saying that I am a fan of the series, despite the micro-transactions and the lack of respect and support for the game modes that do not include micro-transactions I remain a fan because unfortunately there is nothing else on the market to support. That being said, this is a very enjoyable Fifa title, probably the most enjoyable I have played in years. The PC gameplay more resembles the gameplay of the last generation of consoles then the next-gen gameplay, which for me is fine, I enjoy that. The PC community seems slightly less sweaty and you will come up against people with a variety of teams on Division Rivals for Ultimate Team, and of course there is a solid pro-clubs scene to try to be a part of. I am not the best Fifa player in the world but for the first week of Fut Champs I was able to qualify for the league and got Rank 2, I didn't use a hugely meta team and even had a target man as one of my strikers, Dzeko to be exact. There seems to be ways to play this Fifa how you actually want to. Will you come up against Werner 5 times in a row in Fut Champs? Yes. Is it impossible to win if you want to play a different brand of football? No. Bottom line is I've been playing this series since "FIFA International Soccer" on my Sega Genesis and I will most likely continue to. 8/10
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