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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 946.5 hrs on record (384.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 9 Dec, 2019 @ 6:55pm

There's nothing quite like fighting a giant ice bird, jumping off of a cliff with a giant ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sword and crackin' that ♥♥♥♥♥'s skull midair and taking a ride, stabbing it in the eye, falling to the ground and taking a smash at it's face again.

Or fighting a giant pickle, charging at you, vinegar dripping from it's cragly orifice. Breaking your charge to shoulder check that ho knocking it back on it's ass and going to town. on it's face.

I think I've bought this game for about 10 people or more including myself at this point. I'm a bit biased since I've been playing since I was a wee lad and had a psp.

But there is literally no game that's as upfront and reasonable in this day and age for the same kind of grindy achievement based gameplay. The loop probably feels better than most games of the type, Destiny, whatever ubisoft game you're playing, You never have to pay to be able to play with your friends. Your friends being a higher level than you means nothing, they can pop in to help you and still get something out of it.

The latest update with the defender set and weapons was a great move since we're going into what is effectively G rank. So that anyone interested in playing but really far behind can get up to speed really quickly and play the G rank stuff with their friends (afaik, the defender greatsword is the best GS in the game atm, love that white sharpness.)

The game is, fight monsters, use their bodies to make stronger equipment to fight bigger monsters, rinse repeat. With the insane variety of weapons and different play styles between charms, decorations, and skill mixing and matching. It's just fantastic.

Pay up front. get 1000 hours of a great game.
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