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2.4 hrs on record
The Game is good, was a lot of potential. Need more sexy clothing and shoes. and also somehow to upgrade the room to size or to put more kinky stuff inside., Some bugs i dint see . Really the game is good but you need also in Feature some stuff to work as cleaner and etc. and maybe some like striptease. a SELL button and multiplier in buy especially in condoms and lubricant.

WE NEED ALSO ACHIEVEMENTS as 5-6 stats complete in one costumer , or to have full girls or rooms , 10-20 k money and etc

Game Rating 8/10
Posted 4 March. Last edited 4 March.
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3.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So the game for early access is reall good with no bugs at least for 3 hours i had play already.

It has a lot of potetion but couple things i thing to imrove.

I am guesing rating 5 on empleyes is the top so the actions must to do at least to ne fast as me not worse. i have lost a lot of customers cause they late to give tickets or beverages.

The garmbage sometimes is hard to see in red carpet waitng rooms must to put a later lvl skill to mapping the garbages and also to can use 123 buttons for faster to put out the broom etc flashlight to open with F button.

The game of course need MANY ACHIEVEMENTS, for the slaps wring changes, wring disturb food clean etc
and also we need an SAVE button cause a lot of times i need to leave the pc and keep it on cause i dint when is saving the game,

The game for early access is 5 to 5 perfect
(i hope later to put more chars. i love the blondie here)
Posted 23 February.
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315.7 hrs on record (271.6 hrs at review time)
I don care how much hours i have the game still have useless options

The game was fun before one year exactly , but they still not fix simple things, as example to have the option when you use Nades automatically to change to primary weapon , The gravity event must to be at begin of matches and not at end is 93% to loose a game if you have a gravity event and ur team has already loose the objective. When you block someone cause is cheater or something the game still put you with him to play even as teammate or enemy, when you try to climb some time climb in invisible walls, when your a close to your Skill as example a wall and try to revive teammate it take first the wall, when you try to steal sometime it repeat the steal or revive without a reason, the taser gun is broken when you revive someone or steal instantly stop, not fair at all with this range. AND MANY MANY OTHERS PROBLEMS.

Edit From 07/12/24 to 15/02/25

Every Season and worse, They dint even fix the already problems and the put new BS. The gravity event at worse times , 20 seconds re-spawns even you are the only one who die and 65% loosing the platform , or to be 4 vs 5, I want to pay to buy the pass + 20LVLs but i f you pass the last 20 lvls you cant to buy it. The lvl over 90 is impossible to take except if you loose all ur time to this game. No sorry i finish this season in couple days uninstall and all of my team we go to TF 2.
Posted 7 December, 2024. Last edited 14 February.
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0.6 hrs on record
One of the worst best games i had play

The game has a lot of potential if THEY FIX THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BUGS. First day and every time i die it absorve all of my internet and unti to reswaon to be in normal internet conetion it say to reconect i have 8Mbs and i cant play after my first death 5/10
Posted 6 December, 2024.
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230.3 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
Hello Fellas Farmers

I have Pre-Order 3 games in my life and two of them was FS 22 & FS 25 and i am not regretting
(except the number 3 that was F1 22 )

This Game has some amazing things and some i cant understanding

Pros all previous DLC's from 22 is for free here, plus some amazing mods as INFO and Rice field , water fields and GPS
The Graphics is so good , maybe too good to be true ( i dont know if low pc can play it anymore

Cons and is BIG for real , The shop manager is really chaotic u must to scoll from the sart to end and is a lot of pages. i think Two pages with the scroll grom up to down and not as FS22 from left to righ it will be good ( as example last year was implements and vehicles) But the worst is tha they dont put it to see instanly your items or leasins at Shop but at main screen esc, THAT IS REALLY BAD

Second the game is coming back from FS 19 at Green color ( I think also FS 17 ) and my personal opinion of course is nice but to natural color i want to have option to change the interface of the game what color i see anything, From tractor stats until clock or help menu

THEY don't have puts control's to change fast some option as the speed of mouse and controls or some simple graphics

The have put some new AI Helpers System that litterly i dont have understand veery well in streets wroking 10/10 but at Fields The start from anywhere and okey some they have fix it to be working cycle but when i try to work with vegetable Vehicle we cant even start i try from anywhere but i must to be full close to have already select the high of the pipe and the harvest want to start from the right side that i am already there and i "block it"

My conclusion

Is for a new player is good to have this game (exept Vegetable Harverst until fix this problem) or to Buy the FS 22 Premioum Edition withh all DLC includ it .

FS 25 8/10
FS 22 11/10
FS 19 8/10
Fs 17 10/10
FS 15 9/10
FS 13 No Opinion
FS 11 9/10
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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9.7 hrs on record
-3 score The game had so much potition for nothing, Only the single player worth, The guns you can play on each class it will be or overpower or worthless , Dont buy it even in sales
Posted 28 September, 2024.
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166.5 hrs on record (76.0 hrs at review time)
So the game Remind me the good Old Most Wanted

Has races , has pvp has open world

What the game need to be better or perfect ???

1) need more modding at the cars you use everything almost the same 3-9 same parts of the car. WHY NFSU 2 has so many options
2) why dont make traps for the police as the Most Wantet
3) And the main reason i put negative and not positive review is the two belows, The npc cops when you race with pvp cops is stronger and better from the human or at single story, that is not fair cause the cops start with tier S+ all the time and every time you lost a partener become a cop

The cars you pick the secondary mods as to become tougher or to reapir your car is not working at pvp but the cars have defferent life and defence at racers without anywhere say what is the deffirence you must to find your self.

4) why when i respawn after a cop crash i respawn insntly at a cop hood and take damge instanly. Also the cops can hit ONE hit with 80-85% OF FULL HP WITHOUT THE ABILITY TO BE STRONGER/

Posted 2 September, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
game is amazing as idea, But for solo is harder than the hard. The bigest mistake is that all players have to share the same screen so the most of the times i die cause i forget to back of the screen. The enemies spawn too much and too fast, has a lot of potentiol (Hell Divers 2 ) but still i think worth to give a try from us and develops. Too but that the most of weapons strategems is DLC , but somehow we must to pay the develops :P . I believe less spawn more friendly solo game and not share sccreen the game will be even better.

Posted 7 April, 2024.
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3.1 hrs on record
Posted 19 March, 2024.
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9 people found this review helpful
31.9 hrs on record (20.2 hrs at review time)
So lets start

The game even after 13 years is not just AMAZING but is better than PayDay 3. The begin of this phillosofy , The start of CoOp's Squads and the Graphics still playble until Today. I hope to find more players for online.

Graphics 10/10
Sound 10/10
Story 10/10
Gameplay 9/10
Difficulty Must to appreciete
Game With friends 10/10

General 9.9/10

I Approve and hope more players to get it is really GOOD and the Begin Of the PayDays.

Posted 25 February, 2024.
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