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2 people found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Valheim meets Storm Hawks with Just Cause and Bionic Commando vibes in a Cloud Universe. Stunning and breathtaking!

Can't wait for full release!
Posted 2 March. Last edited 2 March.
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1.4 hrs on record
Generic unimmersive futuristic twitch shooter. Booooring
Posted 5 December, 2024.
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6.1 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Its first person Vampire Survivors on crack with a million guns. Very addicting
Posted 30 October, 2024.
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1.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The theme is interesting and graphics are impressive at times. Visuals aside, its quite bland, janky, and empty.

Maps are smaller than expected and uneventful aside from the few scattered broken AI which roam around. Gunplay is plain and progression is limited. Performance is trash and gameplay as a whole leaves a lot to be desired.

Early Access whatever, I don't care. $40 CAD used to get you way more bang for your buck.
Feels just like a tech demo at this point and its boring.
Posted 29 September, 2024. Last edited 29 September, 2024.
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10 people found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record
Has the game improved since alpha demo builds? Sure.

Is there significantly more content now that the game is released? No.

And that's the problem.

It technically functions the same as Euro Truck Simulator but the detailed lively map is what makes a delivery sim great, and its non existent here.

Sectors in the galaxy map which you warp through are small, undetailed and dead. There's not really much to do or see in them. And designated roads are utterly useless as you can just beeline to warp gates in and out of sectors. Few NPCs running around and they all drive the same trucks. No space police or authorities, no major consequences for actions. No new space trucks to buy. Few things to customize on your trucks. No homebase to buy and park your trucks in. Nothing to see, nothing to do, nothing to really work towards.

Its an okay game but not worth base price. Expected way way more after the demo. This is basically an enhanced demo build.

I'm quite disappointed in this game, waited a while for this.
Posted 3 September, 2024. Last edited 3 November, 2024.
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0.7 hrs on record
Would have been interesting without all the demon crap. Theme is just too dark
Posted 5 July, 2024.
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15 people found this review helpful
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1.8 hrs on record
Hell Let Loost player here.
First impressions? Not bad but lacks flow.

Right off the bat, lots of similarities between the two in gameplay.
Gunplay, armored gameplay and objective based gameplay is very similar and easy to pick up on.
Happy to see that most of HLL users' experience can transfer over. Graphics are good and animations and sounds are more satisfying. Small details like being able to stick your head out of your tank while moving or needing to drink water out of your canteen to replenish stamina are cool. And it does play way slower, more tactics and team coordination is required here.

Bias aside, its an okay game. I feel the objective based gameplay in HLL while also slow, is faster and more refined. Sure they are two different games and they're not suppose to be the same but I feel that HLL is easier to learn and more enjoyable to play for veteran and new players. Released quite ahead of time, Post Scriptum (now Squad 44) should have had ample time to see what works, fix mistakes, and come up with a solid game plan to steer project development forwards. And I just don't know how well they've done so. Even before the days of HLL, this game stood below the radar for many players for quite a while. Updates few and far between and unsubstantial. And speaking of players, this game is preeeeetty dead atm. Just 2-3 available servers with people playing during peak hour is not acceptable.

Rumors are that devs are planning to add the Pacific war to this game. Now that could be interesting but if gameflow is just as inconsistent and player counts are dead low, whats the point?
Posted 2 July, 2024. Last edited 2 July, 2024.
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40 people found this review helpful
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6.8 hrs on record
This game is supposedly the pinnacle of pirate games.

Maybe back in 2005, but not anymore.

This has aged like sour milk.
Bad graphics, archaic engine and gameplay, bad sound, the level of jank here is just off the charts. I gave it a fair chance but just couldn't bring myself to continue. It's got the right features and gameplay but needs a modern remake. This expensive version of the game is just another shameless reskin of Sea Dogs with literally no improvements.
Don't buy this.

So far Assassin's Creed Black Flag still dominates as the best third person rpg pirate game on the market.
Posted 30 June, 2024. Last edited 30 June, 2024.
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8 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Flight model and controls are good, similar to War Thundar. Gameplay on the other hand is quite boring, uninteresting and uneventful. World also lacks size and detail, and the game itself as a whole leaves a lot to be desired.

Interesting set of ideas and concept that simply don't mix well.
Posted 29 June, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
5.8 hrs on record
There's probably a great game here somewhere but you've got to dig through and get past all the bad things to get to it.

As someone coming from Elite Dangerous and wanting more, X4: Foundations certainly appears like the kind of game that could to carry on that torch.
Tried giving it a second go with the introduction of X4: Timelines and the new update but the UI and bootleg gameplay still just makes it a chore to play.
Posted 22 June, 2024. Last edited 22 June, 2024.
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