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Posted: 15 Jul, 2020 @ 2:53pm
Updated: 25 Nov, 2023 @ 4:11am

Dead By Daylight is an awesome multiplayer game!The Objective (As a Survivor) is to repair all 5 generator and open the exit gates in order to escape (Alternatively you can open the hatch that spawns when you are either the last survivor alive or 2 generators are left to be repaired,keep in mind that if you aren't the only person left on the team the hatch will require a key to open,as when you are the last person standing the hatch will be open).Survivors can take up to 2 hits before being incapacitated when you are hit once you are put into injured state,the killer can track your scratch marks that you leave when running and you emit moaning noises that will make you easier to locate,when into dying state you are on the ground and can either recover (but not fully unless you have the UNBREAKABLE Perk) or move around but very slowly.When you are almost fully recovered other survivors need to help you.Also when you are in the dying state the killer can pick you up and put you on a sacrificial hook (there are many around the map),while on the hook you can attempt an escape but i wouldn't recommend it because that will only speed up the entity appearing.The second time you are hooked the entity will appear and you will need to keep pressing SPACE (or the button you put struggling on) or the entity will kill you.The third time you are hooked you are DEAD (Sacrificed).While working on generators you will come across a SKILL CHECK,press space at the moment where the arrow is at the white or the outlined gray line and you will complete the skill check BUT if you miss it the generator will explode,notifying the killer AND lose a tiny bit of the repair progress.Same goes for healing teammates!(except the fact that teammates don't explode.they just scream).Keep in mind that when you are near the killers TERROR RADIUS you will hear heartbeats the louder and faster they get,the closer the killer is!When playing as the killer your objective is to prevent the survivors from repairing the generators and escaping by sacrificing them (or killing them).As I said you will need to hit survivors 2 times in order to down them,afterwards you can pick them up and put them on a hook (please don't camp).Just like survivors killers have different abilities and perks to assist them!If you see a generator that has been not fully repaired and for some reason abandoned by survivors(because they heard your terror radius) you can kick the generator in order to damage it.When the generator is damaged it will slowly lose repair progress over time.I forgot to mention that when you pick up a survivor they can STRUGGLE by pressing A and D.If a survivor has finished struggling you will be stunned and they will escape.Survivors can hide into lockers too so you should check them when you have the chance to!When survivors run they will leave behind bright red scratch marks that you can use to track them,keep in mind that while walking or crouching they will not leave scratch marks.The survivors also have some items at their disposal that they can find if they search chests or get them in the blood web those items include:Toolboxes (used to repair generators faster or sabotage your hooks which leaves the unusable for a short period of time) Medkit (used to heal..duh) Key (you can open a hatch) a map or a flashlight (used to BLIND the killer).The survivors can use the flashlight the blind you and if they do you wont be able to see anything for a really short period of time and if they blinded you while you were carrying a survivor you will drop him.The survivors can also drop pallets on you to slow you down,you will need to press SPACE in order to break the pallet.That is mostly it i will explain more about the game if i'm bored.
Buy the game lol.
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Grogi 30 Jul, 2020 @ 2:23am