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50.0 hrs last two weeks / 8,382.3 hrs on record (7,259.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Jan, 2014 @ 4:30pm
Updated: 24 Sep, 2023 @ 9:12am

Since its been a long time since I gave the game a proper review (I did one like 4 years ago complaining all my items went missing lol), I decided I wanted to give my review on how things are now.
Pro's of the Game:
  • Engaging community and content creators who make learning/Viewing the game fun
  • Unique Hero pools for you to choose from to fit your style.
  • Entertaining Pro scene to watch
  • Different game modes that allow you to play how you want to play (Normal, Turbo, Ranked, Ability Draft)
  • Valve actively decreasing the amount of smurfs in a game
  • Ability for players to review reported cases
Con's of the Game:
  • Steep Learning Curve for the some heroes, items, and synergies
  • Additional mechanics to learn in comparison to League, Smite, Ect.
  • Chances to encounter toxicity in pubs.
  • Games have the ability to go on for 1+ hour if the lineup is hard to beat
Overall Review
I think Dota 2 is a great game for someone to play. There are some times that it is going to be rough, but at the same time it is rewarding for you to play. Being a veteran of the game, I've seen the game go through countless patches, updates, and adjustments. And each time, I think that it is healthy for the game to be ever evolving in order for the game to last this long. The friends that I made along my Dota journey, games I've played, and memories I've created in the game has been amazing. Now I'm not saying that the game is without its flaw, but Ive seen more good than bad in the game. Some general tips I have is:
  • When first starting, choose someone who looks interesting to play and learn them.
  • Utilizing the "Mute" feature will save you alot of anger and headaches you get from the enemy or teammates
  • If possible, play with someone or a group of friends to make the game bearable
  • Make use of the in-game reporting if someone is displaying toxic behavior (Trust me, it will be seen)
  • Follow in game guides that can give information on heroes abilities, items, and playstyles (I personally use Torte de Lini's Guides)
  • And lastly, have fun when you are playing. If you are feeling as if you aren't having fun and/or on a lose streak, make sure to step away or play something else so you arent ruining your experience

With that all said, I hope this review does help you with deciding to play the game. And if so, I'll see you on the battlefield.

Good Luck and Have Fun
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