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13.1 hrs last two weeks / 447.6 hrs on record (45.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 1 Mar, 2021 @ 8:40pm
Updated: 2 Jun, 2024 @ 7:17pm

If you want the ability to fast-forward time itself, get this game. It'll make 4 hours feel like 1.

XCOM 2 did everything a good sequel should. Firaxis took the first game (which was already good), removed most of the bad stuff and improved the good stuff. The developers paid close attention to what the fanbase wanted and it paid off massively. The devs continue their support for the fanbase with mod support, including the well-known Long War 2 mod which effectively overhauls the entire game and serves as a huge free DLC.

XCOM 2 is the best modern XCOM to date and I would highly recommend it to anybody, even if you have no previous experience with XCOM or strategy games in general. This game caters to everybody from the most casual gamers to straight up masochists who want to suffer as much as possible.

The good:

- Extremely simple to pick up even for those that have never played a strategy game before.

- Combat is clear, satisfying and tense. Graphics look great and hold up very nicely for a game almost 7 years old.

- Mission timers are controversial but in my opinion MASSIVELY improve the game in comparison to the first as "overwatch crawling" was tedious. If you really want this removed/extended, you can do so via mods.

- The results of individual battles have variable ramifications on your playthrough as a whole, which leads to every decision being important (and reducing grind elements)

- Enemy models look great, and there's a good variety of them which keeps things interesting

- Heavily customizable soldiers (further increased with mods) with unique skills and improvements

- Very good paid DLC (WOTC - Full review here!) which adds further replayability to the game

- Randomly generated levels with destructible environments keeps each playthrough fresh and different

- Can crash, but holds up fairly well even with hundreds of mods

- Music is good and accompanies gameplay appropriately

- Almost everything can be tweaked with mods, allowing you to tailor the experience to you (without disabling achievements!)

- Ironman mode which I would highly recommend unless you are brand new to XCOM

The bad:

- Concealment system is great BUT the pod (alien group) activation system still kinda sucks. Yes, it's good that you don't have every pod activated on you at once, but reducing the game to extremely carefully moving along the border of activation range feels weird. Hopefully this is addressed in XCOM 3, and in the meantime mods can help change up the AI.

- May struggle on low end systems due to mediocre optimization

- Inherently has a large RNG element which is mitigated via skill and lessens as the game goes on but can still result in some frustrating moments

- The tone and writing in general is really weak in my opinion and can be straight up cringey at points. This is especially apparent in the WOTC DLC which contains some of the most uninteresting and irritating characters I've ever seen. Not exactly a huge deal but it's a shame nonetheless, especially since they got some serious voice talent involved for the DLC. If XCOM 3 ever happens I would love to see it return to the more serious tone of the classic titles - XCOM 2012 was a bit more faithful in that regard.

- Multiplayer is dead (servers are now closed) and wasn't active to begin with (youre not missing out)

- Dont bother with the DLC other than WOTC and maybe Shen's Last Gift. The soldier customization packs in particular are completely worthless with mods and a joke at full price. Only ever get these as part of a bundle on sale if you must.

- "Protect the device" mission type is poorly balanced. Early game it's way too easy and late game it can be near impossible. Mods can fix this but this should have been playtested more.

- Certain item(s) are stupidly overpowered and can genuinely turn this game into a cakewalk if used correctly.

- More buggy than most games, but rarely gamebreaking

The ugly:

- Controversial 2k launcher and agreement that supposedly wants to sell your data

- Has a reverse difficulty curve, which many strategy games "suffer" from depending on who you are. The game is arguably at it's hardest at the beginning when your soldiers have no skills and RNG plays a bigger role.

- Whilst I do recommend Ironman as mentioned above (save scumming ruins the game imo), I would highly suggest backing up your save file periodically as one gamebreaking bug can end your entire run. One misclick can end up in a soldier dying and one squadwipe can end your entire run depending on how important those soldiers were.

XCOM 2 is a diamond with some rough edges. If it wasn't already clear, I would HIGHLY recommend this game. On sale you can pick this game up for a few dollars and you'll likely get hundreds of hours out of it. I've played this game on console for probably double the amount of hours listed on Steam. One of the best modern strategy games ever made.

Here's my list of "Essential" mods that make this game even better without messing with the difficulty!
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Scorpion 13 Mar, 2021 @ 5:01pm 
Wait you mean Ironman is actually Ironman?? Thanks for the tip "General" xD
General.Aubrey.Smith 6 Mar, 2021 @ 7:15pm 
ya and put you into a rage, because enemy units have no los on you yet fire through walls, your behind high cover hunker down and the enemy crits you from half a map away kills you.
Or my personal fav. Sectoid is the only one left and it looks like a flawless victory, sectoid mind controls your ONLY guy left with the grenade, and just so happens your on the roof and your mind controlled dude throws the ONLY grenade left in your squad ontop of your squad ON THE ROOF killing your ironman run, because that squad wipe? just happened to be on the avatar reduction mission with 2 days left on the clock....
Ya... 4 hours feels like 1 hour of RNG hell