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Eiightball 16 minutes ago 
Never knew people actually had enough time to rage on people profiles about video games and politics apparently??? 🤔 Womp womp 🤔
MrLEWXIII 12 hours ago 
Interesting point. Buuuuut what does that have to do with me??
thatdumbmoth 12 hours ago 
Funny how the far right went from being vocal supporters of cancel culture to actively embracing it... it's as if the survival of Nazi ideals is only possible through deception and hypocrisy rather than true ideological viability...
MrLEWXIII 16 hours ago 
That or embarrassed. Maybe next time use some critical thinking before sperging out on someone's profile. :Patrick:
Eiightball 17 hours ago 
Maybe they deleted their comments because they finally decided to go touch grass. 👀
MrLEWXIII 19 hours ago 
Womp womp