
Последние обзоры Sharkie

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68.2 ч. всего (17.7 ч. в момент написания)
Hello there! I thought I'd be as helpful as possible by giving an in-depth review of the entire game. So if you want to know the good and the bad, feel free to read the review! Personally, I have played games like this for the last 8+ Years, so I have a good feel for them. So if you want to know if this is good, I can give you the run down on it! I have around 40+ hours if I include the time I spent on the demo so I have a good idea of this games potential!

The Atmosphere
This game has a great atmosphere. The Maps currently really give a civil war vibes. I find the graphics, although nothing new, very pleasing to look at. The world is vibrant, the smoke of the weapons and the sound of the shots in the distance. Makes you feel like you're in a civil war. Especially in events in which I recommend you do join if you pick up this game. Being in a regiment and getting involved in organised events will make this game incredibly fun and you make a lot of new friends along the way! But it defiantly scratches that itch of roleplay/simulation of this time period! :)

The Discord
Since its a community driven game, this discord is essentially a hub. Everything can be found on there (Ill add a link to the FSE discord under this!). From asking questions, to giving feedback. The Devs are appreciative when you give feedback so make sure you do! But from joining regiments to reporting bugs, you can do everything there! Make sure you join it if you plan on buying the game!

FSE Discord - https://discord.gg/hqQGSsa4vz

The Voicechat
Nothing much to say about the voicechat, its just funny af. A lot of creativity and just a whole load of fun to listen to people creating their crazy characters through the power of speech!

The Melee
A lot of people seems to have some hatred from this for some reason or other? No idea why. The combat is great. Needs a couple of tweaks but honestly I really enjoy it. Normally in games like this, people would deploy the spinning tactic as its viable. But after multiple duels with different types of players, I find that playing it normally is just much more effective then spinning as fast as you can. So if you want a decent, fun and from what I can tell a competitive combat system, this game will scratch that itch. Just got to get used to the combat system, but there are quite a few techniques you can use!

The Gun Play
So the guns are effected by a hell of a lot. But overall I'd say its pretty fun. So things like the wind direction and speed effect your bullets. So you have to take into account things like that when firing at a distance. You can use Ironsights. In first person press B. Then you will aim down the sights. If you like there is also a setting to turn that on automatically when aiming! The Guns sounds impactful and there is a hell of a large variety of weapons and ammo. Try them out and find the right ones for you! With a few tweaks, I can confidently say that they have the best shooting mechanics in their genre.

Very fun, in depth and large variety of cannons! I spent an entire day messing with them! Learning the distancing, how the different types of ammo work and how to use them effectively. Its also very satisfying get a collateral on a big group of people! Also had some time playing with one of the devs. Lots of fun! They also seem to be working on more and I'm really excited to become a master of all the cannons! Also, Union get a Gatling gun on commander battles. Fill em with lead bois!

The Game modes
This game has a ton of game modes to play, much more then its counterparts. Its has way more then Holdfast and WarofRights. From Sieges to Deathmatch, to Duels, King of the hill and many more. I'd pay the money for this game just for the Commander Battles itself. Commanding your own regiments to outsmart and out gun your opponents. Its a hell of a lot of fun, if anything I bought the game just so I could play commander battles more often!

The Developers
Incredibly active developers. Its a 4 man team, with one unfortunately stuck in Ukraine. Yet he is still doing his best to work on the game! Constantly responding in discord to any questions and always eager to help. I even had one playing artillery with me in game, we talked quite a bit and he told me some great tips! (Shout out to Olaf right there!). Honestly never known such a dedicated team. Also they despise the racism and instantly ban anyone from the server who goes around saying it. The team alone is worth investing in.

The Bad
So there are somethings that need working on. Mostly just bugs that appear now and again and its needs a bit more optimisation. But the Devs are hard at work and updates and fixes are happening regularly to solve as many of these as soon as possible. There is also racism now and again thrown around. However the Admins/Devs to not tolerate it in any way, if you say something racist you will be banned from that server, without a doubt. So don't let that discourage you from the game.

This I find is something that needs noting. You can fully outfit your character how you like. Lots of options to choose from! From face options where you can pick different types of beards, to clothing and if you want to look rugged or that your character was wealthy, got outfits for everyone and will only grow with time!

The Map Making
Built in, anyone can start making a map upon loading to the main menu. Easy to use lots of options and you can create what ever the hell you like! From training maps to siege maps. There is also a channel for you to share maps you have created in discord. Also a place for you to get support and ask any questions and get advice on things you can do. So much potential with such a feature, we will start seeing a load of custom maps soon on the game. Maybe we will even see yours! :)

The Regiments
This game will heavily revolve around events. Although you can play this casually, I'd honestly suggest joining a regiment so you can enjoy those organised line battles! Heck, if you see this and planning on getting the game join this discord - https://discord.gg/E4vd84s2ta - Its the regiment I'm in; its a lot of fun! Mostly EU but we do also have NA as well. So all is welcome! :D

The Settings
There is a hell of a lot of settings you can mess with, from changing your deadzones from your blocks, to muting all voicechat. there is basically every setting for you. There are honestly a ton of customisation through the settings and you can make the game just feel right for you. Iv still yet to mess with most of mine, but I look forward to it! Gonna be tweaking a hell of a lot to find the right settings just for me <3

The Plans
So from what I know, one of the first major updates they will work on, is bringing cavalry to the game. I can't express how excited I am for it. As someone who has played - Mount & Blade: NW - Cavalry for the last 8+ years, I can wait to try it out. I know it will need quite a few tweaks, but I trust the devs will try and integrate it as best as possible. I also plan to give feedback on it, to make it as fun and and competitive.

The Sum Up
Honestly for the price point I don't know how anyone could complain. Its a bargain. I spent £12 on the game and already got my moneys worth and met a whole load of new people to boot. I can see my self playing hundreds if not thousands of hours on this game. All in all, its a community driven project that is well worth investing in. The potential is there, I can't wait to see it! So, if you want a game that can last you thousands of hours, with a great community being build with devs that are very open, this game is just the perfect game for you! :D

[Could of written more, but run out of words xD]
Опубликовано 4 марта 2022 г.. Отредактировано 4 марта 2022 г..
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444.1 ч. всего (139.4 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
I played Warband for 7+ Years and was really looking forward to all the things Bannerlord would add. But I regret to inform anyone that you might as well get Warband as it has just as much content and a better combat system. The game has been out in "Early Access" after 8 Years of development yet sieges are terrible. No point in using Siege towers, they all just cram themselves up one ladder. Ai Path finding is terrible. They should of just copy and pasted the combat from Warband as it is far better then Bannerlords. I have no idea how they managed to mess up something which had so much potential... Well, I guess Ill wait for 20 Years until this is completed -_-
Опубликовано 29 июня 2021 г..
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13.3 ч. всего (12.0 ч. в момент написания)
The Major problem with this game is the majority of times you're fighting bots. When you're not fighting bots you are going against some who is the highest rank in the game. This is something that needs to be focused on at the moment as its holding the game back from what could be really fun. A lot of people seem to be complaining about p2w aspects. Just don't listen to em... Yes there is p2w but barely. You can get more summons with money and that is about it. Iv seen top ranked players with barely any good summons dominate due to skill.

Other then the problems I mentioned its a pretty solid game. You get a lot of coins for just playing through bounties, logins etc. There are different strategies in what troops you use and the art style is pretty cool. The only other suggestion I could make is to be able to have private rounds with friends.

Anyway give the game ago if it looks interesting to you. Its quick to download and fun to play! That and it would be cool to go up against more players -_-
Опубликовано 6 января 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 30
47.6 ч. всего (23.8 ч. в момент написания)
I don't really understand all the negitive reviews. I played the original and it was fun this is more or less slightly better version of it. They brought out so it could not only be put on next gen consoles but so they could easily update the game with new things. Yeah ok there are bugs and out of the 19 hours I have played I only have crashed once but this game is fun and has tons of content and things to do. This is free-to-play so I can't really complain as there is a lot to do. So if you are wondering if you should try it or not after reading the reviews give it a shot, its pretty fun!

All in all this game is free-to-play non pay-to-win has hours of content and some pretty cool boss fights despite lag and rubberbanding.
Опубликовано 18 июля 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 65
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3,677.6 ч. всего (2,130.7 ч. в момент написания)
I had a life... Before I found this game.

Edit: Still no Life...
Опубликовано 24 апреля 2017 г.. Отредактировано 28 августа 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
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111.8 ч. всего (53.0 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Just an amazing game.
Опубликовано 24 февраля 2017 г..
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