Rihanna | MvM Angel
Ri ๐ŸŒŒ Beyond the Event Horizon of Observable Universe
๐Ÿ•Š MvM Angel: Newbies will be carried.. ALWAYS!
It's time to swing on the swing!!!

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You're.. only one.. beyond the Event Horizon... The ัausation is broken with everyone. Only the wind will touch you!!
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I carried the game for 30 hours newbie, who won Golden Pan on the 1 tour. I dream about this since 2013 and after 3250 tours still can't get
1375 115 160
MvM Angel Australiums
:diamonds::butterfly: Tours Completed:
:butterfly: Total: 3343 (27+27+2777+268+250) (Top-12) [mvmlobby.tf]
:diamonds:Australiums: 83 (average drystreak is 40).
:butterfly: Operation Mecha Engine tours: 2777 (Top-2) [mvmhub.tf];
:diamonds:Australiums: 65 (average drystreak is 42).
:butterfly: Operation Gear Grinder tours: 250
:diamonds:Australiums: 10 (average drystreak is 22).
:butterfly: Operation Two Cities tours: 268
:diamonds:Australiums: 8 (average drystreak is 44).
:butterfly: Operation Steel Trap tours: 27
:diamonds:Australiums: 0 (average drystreak is infinity!!!).
:butterfly: Operation Oil Spil tours: 27

:Crowned: 1 mission in Mann Up (2015)
:Crowned: 2 tour (2017)
:Crowned: 28 tours (2018)
:Crowned: 154 tours (29.06.2021)
:Crowned: 1000 total tours (09.01.2023)
:Crowned: 1000 Mecha Engine tours (14.03.2023)
:Crowned: 2000 Total tours (21.12.2023)
:Crowned: 2000 Mecha Engine tours (29.04.2024)
:Crowned: 3000 Total tours (25.10.2024)
sleyMoss 28 Feb @ 12:42pm 
signed by twtich.tv/sleymoss
giggle 26 Feb @ 9:44am 
+ rep sigma boy ห™โ€†อœสŸห™
Malatos 18 Feb @ 4:45pm 
it was fun to come accross you in that mvm lobby! you clearly made the game more smooth and perhaps one day i'll catch up to you in term of duels haha
Rihanna | MvM Angel 14 Feb @ 5:18am 
Hello again. :)
It's good that you wrote. A lot has changed since then and now I striving to create the friendliest community possible. I want to apologize if I wrote something wrong last time.
I think that table is a mistake, so it will remain in "private" access forever for my further analysis, as an example of a phenomenon in MvM.

All those who wrote to me after my last answer - thank you very much, I love you all! :)
worthless ugly femcel 13 Feb @ 12:28pm 
link me your spreadsheet pls i need to laugh
cwel1233 2 Feb @ 10:11am 