12 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.2 hrs on record
Posted: 9 Oct, 2023 @ 8:21pm
Updated: 11 Oct, 2023 @ 11:39am

Early Access Review
An ambitious game for sure that was unfortunately made by someone way out of their depths. Animations are awful, there is no customization to speak of other than what looks like a zombie skin one has to buy, the ambiance and sound effects are grating to the ears, controls are dated, hitboxes are not clean, everything looks like it came out of a 1999 fever dream after a binge of tibia online.

Edit: I understand the game is in early access but early access games are to be a rough draft of the final product and this is like getting blasted by sand at 300mph rough. Also the gall to have an in game shop and a kickstarter is nuts.
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Developer response:
jobjorgos  [developer] Posted: 10 Oct, 2023 @ 12:51pm
First of all thanks for your review

the criticism you make about the annoyingly loud bird ambiance and sound effects is very useful and I have now muted this sound somewhat.

The animation got stuck by some silly bug which is fixed by now.

Character customization is still on the planning as you can read in the early access decription and you can go to Kickstarter to see the total timeline what and when will release.

This game is still in early access Beta state now to start receiving feedback from the first players, to give potential funders a better view of the game, and to stress test the stability of the servers which you first need real players for to test it. So don't expect a full version yet
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