1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.0 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Feb, 2020 @ 9:39pm

Do I like this game? Not really.
Is the game good? Not really.
Is it worth the price? I got it on sale for $0.90 and I don't know.

It may be a first game attempt but boy does it show. At certain parts, enemies would hit me while I was in cover despite this being a cover based on rails shooter. Reloading/shooting sticks out more of the character's body so living is really not something yer likely to do first runthrough of the game. The shield guys are amazingly annoying with their high health value to stun them and by the time they are stunned you're out of bullets and have to reload and they recover in that reload window (starting weapons only, granted, but the first level has three of them lined up next to eachother and you only have starting weapons). The targetting reticle is this weird diamond shape with a line going to the lower right without any clear indication of where exactly your bullets will go. The gun selection is limited with no option to change your pistol to something that will give you the option to keep progressing in the level rather than be ignored by bosses/tougher enemies. You have to buy clips for your gun to increase how much ammo you will start the level with which the game was in no hurry to tell me about and never did.

Does it have replay value? Well I mean you have to replay levels to get enough funds to get better guns to do damage to bosses that will be immune/take reduced damage from starter guns/what have you.

Honestly this game feels more like a game you'd find on Newgrounds or Armor Games or some flash game site, know what I mean?

Do I recommend this? I mean...the girls look weird so can't recommend it for that. The gameplay can be frustrating at times and janky at other times so can't recommend it for that. The voice acting...is a thing in the game.

Look, if you're willing to overlook a few bruises and weird dark spots on a banana then go for it. Maybe you'll get some enjoyment out of it. Just don't pay full price.
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