11 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 19.9 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jun, 2024 @ 1:02pm
Updated: 22 Jun, 2024 @ 1:06pm

Simple and fun - but not fully recommended.
A nice and arcade game about being a policeman - there is no point in looking for realism here, everything is simplified and created in its own style. It's fun to play in cooperation, the number of commands and crimes is accessible, and unlocking new map fragments or policeman's tools is gradual and well described.

However, this is not enough to give a positive opinion...
One of the biggest drawbacks of the game is the terrible vehicle controls - driving a police car is very artificial and unpleasant.

Another disadvantage is the number of errors, glitches, lack of synchronization in cooperation, blocked vehicles and the entire AI movement - there are a lot of them and there is no hope of improving them.

Next weak aspect is the multitude of crimes before our eyes, several at a time, as if it were Gotham at night and we were Batman.

Character control is also a problem as animations often completely take away control, are time-consuming and not fully functional.

There is a huge lack of other AI policemen, support, and joint missions in the game, because constantly checking cars speed and 5 accidents in a row quickly becomes boring.

For me, the graphics are too artificial and sugary, but I understand that this is the style of the game. Even the stupid FPS lock, which is so simple and yet has not been added.

I really dislike the fact that a game that is in early access(!) releases a paid expansion.

And finally, what comes to my mind is that the optimization is also poor, and there are not many improvements in the game that would improve its technical condition, but there are some possible ones that the creators could add to the game if they spent enough time on polishing the game.

The current policy of the developer and publisher means that I cannot recommend the game as positive and recommended for purchase. A game with potential, but poorly directed.
I hope this will change...
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