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1 person found this review helpful
101.3 hrs on record (44.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
P-Ranking P-2 made me want to ULTRAKILL myself.
Posted 28 July, 2024. Last edited 30 July, 2024.
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1.3 hrs on record
Something something, funny lines that match the atmosphere of the game.

As an actual review, it's a good, short game (at most, two hours). Dungeon crawler, creepy, no jump scares. Controls are a bit iffy, no options menu, but maybe it's fitting? It's not hard, puzzles are easy, don't be afraid of violence. Good time killer.

Also, a Points Store for funny PsychoPomp stickers and stuff would be funny, and great.

I love our schizophrenic waifu.
Posted 9 June, 2024. Last edited 5 October, 2024.
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212.3 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
Get jumped by a white rat.
Get zapped by a gnome.
Get burnt by a goblin.
Get your jays nicked by a succubus.
Get crushed by a boulder.

10/10, would die again.
Posted 18 November, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Play Mesmer class, charm Funny Bones, recruit Succubus, go to Jungle Temple, succubus dominates 3 goblins, have full HP and ~100 MP, try to dominate a goblin, die.

10/10, would recommend killing yourself, now.
Posted 4 November, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
704.0 hrs on record (451.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game to play with friends, watch your group dynamics form instantly:

The builder, the engineer, the farmer, the one who dies, and then the one who kills, shoots, and burns everything. Start a game and see who's the kleptomaniac, and who's the killer. Steal all the jewelry off corpses, burn a cities worth of corpses in a single campfire, and die to that one campfire in 1.2 seconds.
10/10, play with friends and die with friends.
Posted 9 October, 2023.
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9.2 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
Anime Air hockey/Soccer/Futbol.

Some Pros:
No frame problems
Decently varied characters and stages
Fast paced gameplay, can be chaotic and fun, some tense situations at overtime with both goals open.

Some Cons:
UI, a bit confusing, demos of skills would be great.
If a person leaves or is sandbagging, no way to replace them or leave (even a simple bot to take over would be nice).
A bit annoying to set-up matches against friends (would rather have a lobby for 6 ppl that you can easily randomize teams or lock teams, etc. instead of having to leave and reinvite, etc.)

Biggest con: Descriptions.
Which character is better for what? Yes, you can play forward as Dubu but is that necessarily better for a new player? Are all characters completely flexible? What does a 1-star difficulty mean, fast and flexible? Super simple skills? Previews of the character would be nice so you don't invest into a character you dislike (can sour a new players experience since options are so limited).

Overall, 7/10.
Fun, can be enjoyed casually. Notice to new, returning, or casual players, CO-OP VS A.I. gives nothing, but counts towards missions, so if you just want to finish missions, do that.
Posted 6 June, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,308.3 hrs on record (644.5 hrs at review time)
I have enough mods only when my game doesn't run anymore.
Posted 4 May, 2022. Last edited 17 June, 2022.
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222.8 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Great game; enough variation in enemies and items.

Also, artifact of command runs always become proc builds.
ATG-1 Missile.

ATG-1 Missile.
Posted 23 February, 2022. Last edited 5 March, 2022.
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15.4 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
I know people are gonna hate this but; Honestly,

Unless there's a mod to fix some issues, the annoying RNG of moves (like senator armstrong literally trying to grab me about 8x in a row, and I'm not exaggerating, followed by a charge that bugs out because he circles around me or glides against the wall, followed by another 6 grabs), camera jank such as in the Sundowner fight or trying to lock on to birds, or jank like Ninja Run trying to climb over every single thing when you're just trying to approach an enemy...

When it works, it's a really fun game. You really feel like a badass, plowing your way through hordes of enemies and leaving nothing but rubble behind. Parrying, dodging, slashing, it's all good fun. But there are so many times it will be annoying, such as unskippable intro, unskippable credits, if restarting, starts with an unskippable cutscene (cough jank ass sam vs armstrong fight cough), and again, ninja run shenanigans and camera shenanigans. Especially trying to go for an S rank run, trying to do things perfectly, you'll have to fight chip damage, or random damage. Playing with keyboard and mouse too, is a bit annoying. Stealth too, is annoying. It slows down the pace of the game by a ton. Having quiet periods is fine, but the stealth, while it can lead to more action, feels like it's just a wall you have to walk around, not a hurdle you have to jump over, if that makes sense.

Like honestly, I'd give it a 2/5, 4/10. TL:DR, The core gameplay is great, fantastic, interesting, dynamic. But again, it's all the other things that are annoying such as camera, ninja run, stealth, enemy GROUPS (the bosses are fine for the most part, 'specially Sam). It sort of makes me think of Sonic '06 in that regard. Maybe I just had bad luck.
Posted 8 October, 2021.
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8.3 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
A great game to play with a buddy. A mild challenge; it doesn't force teamwork nor require extreme care. Neither too casual nor too challenging. 7.5 hours total, and about 1.5 of that time going towards reading the story and time wasting, got all achievements and S rank in all missions. Everything played on Normal difficulty. A couple dozen missions, an interesting story, and solid gameplay. Everything you need in a game.

Gameplay: 4/5, Good, but One Strategy Remains on Top (at least, for me).
It sort of plays like a slower paced Hotline Miami, with killing first being punishing, and arrests being the go-to method for points. It's best to play it slow, learn the map and spawns, and to melee everyone to arrest them. It's fun and engaging and challenging to get a perfect run with time and all arrests with limited supplies.

But well, thing is... That makes it REALLY bad to even shoot your gun once. It alerts nearby enemies in other rooms, drawing a lot of suspects into the room you shot in. Which means more enemies that could either end the run, or enemies you have to shoot. So shooting bad. Except beating people. And flashbangs. Somehow, flashbangs do not alert enemies. So the first item you get is basically a perfect item. So my problem here is that, items such as the guns, riot shield, and body armor tend to be useless, as tasers, flashbangs, and breaching kits easily stun a large group of enemies, leading not only to more points, but less alerts and less enemies to deal with as they don't try to get to you.

Also, in hostage situations, as soon as they notice you, they shoot the hostage. So, you literally can't rush in to shoot 'em.
TL;DR, my problem is that the lethal route is basically unviable for anything but a joke. It's actually easier to take a non-lethal route and flashbang and punch everyone, instead of shooting. So; don't ever shoot. Not even to threaten people; punch 'em.

Visuals: 4/5, Gameplay visuals are great, cutscene visuals...
This is a highly subjective field but... Something about the visuals in the cutscenes, particularly the characters, they look off. But in game, everything is fine. While the noise indicators for stepping is a bit hard to see, the everything else looks good.

Audio: 4/5, Fitting. Good. Crisp. Hands up.
The music and the sound effects are good, but uh...
The yelling has to stop. I spammed it a lot. But yeah, the voice clips are fine even after the 1000+ times I spammed it.

Overall: 4/5, Has some flaws, but every game does, doesn't it?
Far from being a perfect game, it does what it sets out to do, and it does it well. Sure, it could use more balancing, but it's still worth the money now. The only real issue I have is that shooting first isn't worth jack. It's harder than playing non-lethally. I don't mind that you get negative points for shooting first, and less points for shooting someone who's going to shoot you. I played non-lethally for my first runs through the campaign and got S rank for all which requires non-lethal runs. It's just grinding for the 100 suspect kills made me realize the issues of shooting at all.
Hopefully the faces can be made to look more human, or something. TBH the cutscene faces scare me.
Posted 4 June, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 27 Mar, 2022 @ 3:04am (view response)
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