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Posted: 12 Dec, 2017 @ 1:07pm
Updated: 16 Dec, 2017 @ 9:07am

Early Access Review
(Player Unknown's Battlegrounds) is one of the most hyped games in the WORLD, even in beta, it can be better than many games. As every single thing, there are positive and negative aspects in PUBG:


Most of the games are repetitive, however, PUBG is not one of them. In every game, there are lots of possibilities and situations, which makes PUBG a dynamic game, influencing players to adapt themselves in each situation.
Shooting and mechanical system.
PUBG's Shooting system is the main atraction of the game, so, it had to be good, and IT IS AWESOME! So satisfying and clean, all hitboxes are basically perfect. PUBG's game mechanic is as awesome as the shooting system, for those who don't know, the game mechanic is what makes it different and authentic. I have played many FPS and Battle Royale games, but, no one has such a good system. In PUBG, there are pans, that can defend you from bullets, there are scopes (2x, 4x, 8x, red dot, holographic, ...), and there are so many tactic in each game, which makes the game more difficult, but also, more dynamic.
One of the most important things in a game, is the graphic. PUBG's graphic is amazing! The vegetation in general, buildings texture, and, my prefered one, the sea graphic makes us more excited to play it.


Rendering problems.
PUBG requires so much RAM for rendering the map. I have 12RAM and it still don't render perfectly most of the time.
PUBG is not a game that everyone can play, because it requires an awesome config, but, it's expensive too, you guys could make some things softer, like: Vegetation in general, make the texture a little bit more simple, and things like that. (Create a graphic mode like that would be nice!) But, the people who has an awesome config, could keep playing in high graphics.
It's not a 100% negative point, but, a sugestion. You guys could create a training mode, for those who can't shoot or adapt themselves to most of the game situations. (A game that, if you die, you instantly spawn again in a random place of the map, or a place that you choose)

RAM and RENDERING chart:

RAM Does it render well?
8 No.
12 It depends.
16+ Yes.
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JulieInJuly 19 Jun, 2018 @ 2:47pm 
11. there's something called resolution, yes, 1080 is nice and all but if you want to play something at maximum settings and its requiring to much from your pc then just lower the fucking res.

12. you want a game mode that if you die you instantly respawn somewhere in the map? there are so many thing wrong with this, but, if you want something like that just go play any other fps that has a Free for All mode.

Remember, these are objective points, not subjective.

there are 2 videos i would recommend you to watching
JulieInJuly 19 Jun, 2018 @ 2:47pm 
7. "there are so many tactic each game", i will give this chance and hope that what you meant was "there are so much tactics involved in each game".

8.Pubg's graphics are not amazing.

9.rendering isn't only about RAM, its about Optimization, RAM, VRAM, CPU, maybe the motherboard if you want to strech things a little bit, and also sistem temperature.

10. "PUBG is not a game that everyone can play, because it requires an awesome config, but, it's expensive too", do you mean the game's expensive?
JulieInJuly 19 Jun, 2018 @ 2:47pm 
First of all i have to say that i do not intendend to cause a fight, lets keep thing civilized.

also, i will be presenting objective points

Now let's get to what matters

You did a terrible review, because:

1. Pubg wasn't hyped, it was a surprise boom, no E3 or any marketing whatsoever before the game launched, the marketing came after the boom and the millions of dollars rolled in.

2. Pubg IS repetitive, and i dont mean "I think its repetitive", from an Objective point, Pubg IS repetitive. i would get into depth but just go online, do your fucking research.

3. if anything, the main attraction of pubg is the battle royale, not the shooting.

4. the shooting is known for being bad and a lot of times broken.

5.what game mechanic are you talking about, i ask this because anything can be a game mechanic, from opening a door to nuking your friends settlement, everything can be a game mechanic.

6. how da fuck does having scopes is an argument for the game being good.
due 16 Feb, 2018 @ 2:33pm