Mattathias Lee   Pusan-jikhalsi, Korea, Republic of
낙낙한 아저씨. 인디 게임을 곧잘합니다.
& also speak in English.

-중복구매(...) 방지용-


Anno 1602, Anno 1701 - History Edition, Assassin's Creed™, Brotherhood, III, IV Black Flag™, Unity, Chronicles, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssei, Beyond Good & Evil™, Child of Light, Far Cry® 3/4/5/New Dawn/Blood Dragon, For Honor, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time™, Rayman Origins, Rayman® LEGENDS, South Park™ - The Stick of Truth™, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Steep, The Crew, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Breakpoint, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory™, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist, Tom Clancy's The Division™, Tom Clancy's The Division™ PTS, Tom Clancy's The Division® 2, Trials Rising, Watch Dogs™, Watch Dogs® 2, World In Conflict


The Sinking City,
Arcade Spirits, Astrologaster, BEACON, Celeste, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!, Curse of the Crescent Isle DX, Double Cross, Dry Drowning, THE ENIGMA MACHINE, Epic Battle Fantasy 4, Glittermitten Grove, HEADLINER, Headliner: NoviNews, Hello Charlotte EP2, The Hex, Hex Kit, Hidden Folks, Hidden Paws, Highway Blossoms: Remastered, ISLANDS: Non-Places, The King's Bird, Mable & The Wood, The Maker's Eden, Minit, A Mortician's Tale, Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy!, a new life, Night in the Woods, Old Man's Journey, One Night Stand, OneShot, Overland, Oxenfree, Pikuniku, The Search, Seduce Me The Complete Story, The Seven Districts of Sin: The Tail Makes the Fox - Episode 1, Signs of the Sojourner, Shipwreck, A Short Hike, The Stillness of the Wind, Super Hexagon, Super Win the Game, TAMASHII, TANGLEWOOD®, The Witches Tea Party, This World Unknown, Underhero, Walden a game, Wakamarina Valley New Zealand, Wheels of Aurelia

The Binding of Isaac OST
Super Meat Boy! - Digital Special Edition Soundtrack
Slime-San Arcade Music


유저 정보입니다.
지옥불반도에서 거주하는 아저씨, 가장, 게이머, 못생김, 여자 친구 없음, 자신이 씹인싸라고 생각하는 아싸. 특기는 스팀 카드농사.

곰 세 마리와 고양이 두 마리를 키우는 중입죠.

A middle-aged man Who Live in Pusan, Korea. Head of household, Hentai, Gamer, A dork have an ugly face, No girlfriend. have three bears and two cats.

100번째로 등록한 게임: Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4 Bundle
200: Tomb Raider / 300: Dyscourse / 400: Drakensang Retail / 500: Divine Slice of Life / 600: Phoenix Force / 700: The Walking Dead / 800: Purgatory / 900: Day of the Tentacle Remastered / 1000: Curses 'N Chaos / 1100: Luna's Wandering Stars / 1200: NEKOPARA Vol 2 / 1300: Borderlands GOTY / 1400: Wasteland 2 / 1500: The Blackwell Bundle / 1600: Grand Theft Auto V / 1700: Republique / 1800: ロゼと黄昏の古城 / 1900: Ni no Kuni II / 2000: 잿빛숲 / 2100: Yakuza Kiwami 2 / 2200: Rusty Lake Hotel / 2300: Help will come Tomorrow / 2400: She sees red / 2500: DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT / 2600: The Serpent Rogue

1942: Baba Is You / 1945: Crookz - The Big Heist / 1946: The Messenger /
1948: Final Fantasy X / X-II / 1951: Age of Wonders: Planetfall / 1952: EARTHLOCK
1956: Hard West /
1957: Disciples III: Reincarnation / 1958: Railway Empire / 1959: Eternity: The Last Unicorn
1960: Nadia Was Here / 1961: Vendetta - Curse of Raven's Cry / 1964: Call of Cthulhu
1965: Vampyr / 1966: Wargroove / 1967: Genesis Alpha One (Asia)
1968: The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters / 1983: Full Throttle Remastered / 1989: Stacking
1990: Escape Goat 2 / 1991: Through the Darkest of Times / 1992: American Fugitive
1993: Little Big Workshop / 1994: Hello Neighbor / 1998: Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
1999: SUPRALAND / 2001: Headlander / 2003: Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
2004: Overload / 2005: Metal Unit / 2007: Convoy / 2008: Omen Exitio: Plague
2009: 2Dark / 2014: Yuppie Psycho / 2017: THE OCCUPATION
2020: Ary and the Secret of Seasons / 2022: Catherine Classic / 2027: Pony Island
2031: Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization / 2036: Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive
2039: Sunless Skies / 2048: Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
2049: Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders / 2061: Gray Dawn
2062: Dry Drowning / 2065: Clocker 铸时匠
2068: Elden: Path of the forgotten / 2069: System Crash / 2070: The Slater
2071: Wanderlust Travel Stories, Transsiberian / 2073: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
2074: Chronos: Before the Ashes / 2075: ZWEI: THE ARGES ADVENTURE
2076: CHILDREN OF MORTA / 2083: Dark Devotion / 2085: Indivisible / 2087: Minoria
2105: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising / 2106: Operation Flashpoint: Red River
2108: 그 어느 여름 날의 이야기 / 2110: Not Tonight
2111: Tales of the Neon Sea / 2112: Song of Horror / 2113: Pathologic 2
2114: Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey / 2118: LOVECRAFT'S UNTOLD STORIES
2120: DARKWOOD / 2121: TSIOQUE / 2123: Way of samurai 3~4
2124: Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar (V2) / 2127: Disco Elysium
2129: The Wild Eight / 2130: Blazing Chrome / 2138: Neverwinter night Enhanced edition
2139: CONTROL Ultimate edition / 2142: ELEX / 2143: Alekhine's Gun / 2159: Iron Danger /
2160: Little Misfortune / 2161: Crying Suns / 2162: Valkyria Chronicles 4 /
2164: Project Cars Game of the Year Edition / 2167: REMOTHERED: BROKEN PORCELAIN
2168: SHENMUE III / 2169: SNIPER GHOST WARRIOR CONTRACTS / 2171: In other waters
2172: Beholder 2 / 2174: Deadly Premonition Director's cut
2176: Alwa's Awakening / 2178: The Suicide of Rachel Foster / 2179: Trine 4: Nightmare Prince
2184: Wildfire / 2193: Peaky Blinders: Mastermind / 2194: Ageless
2195: Hotshot Racing / 2196: Iris and the giant / 2201: Outward /
2202: Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun / 2203: Ys 3: The Oath in Felghana /
2204: Metro Exodus / 2205: Marco & Galaxy Dragon / 2211: Conglomerate 451 / 2212: Lorelai
2213: OPUS: Rocket of Whispers / 2214: XIII - Classic / 2216: Christmas Tina -泡沫冬景-
2224: Tell me why / 2227: Close to the Sun / 2231: Ikenfell / 2232: Paner Paladin /
2233: Going Under / 2236: Beyond: Two Souls / 2237: Return to Shironagasu Island /
2239: Kotodama / 2240: Majotori / 2242: Spirit Hunter: Death Mark / 2243: Synergia /
2252: Chrono Ark / 2253: Paranoia: Deliver me / 2254: 911 Operator /
2259: We Need To Go Deeper / 2262: Sundered / 2600: Shady Part of Me

exc: 77: How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition / 777: 2064: Read Only Memories

2019/10/23 23:42 4000: 푸른 하늘로 붕 떠서 (Darkest Dungeon®)
2019/11/15 01:22 4200: The Riesenrad (The Lion's Song)
2019/12/21 23:09 4400: Family Bliss (Crusader Kings 2)
2020/01/02 22:45 4500: Groundhog day! (Bear With Me - Collector's Edition)
2020/01/19 02:13 4600: Legend of the Strongest Hero (Otaku's Adventure)
2020/03/01 10:07 4800: 부르주아 헌터 (Monster Hunter World)
2020/03/11 22:53 4825: The Beautiful & Final Rose (ロゼと黄昏の古城)
2020/03/17 14:45 4900: Flatline (HITMAN™)
2020/04/11 00:19 5000: Thou, All-shaking Thunder (Sunless Sea)
2020/05/10 02:15 5100: Break the Bank (HITMAN™ 2)
2020/05/24 07:11 5300: 배고픔을 달래자 (A Plague Tale: Innocence)
2020/06/30 22:03 5400: 생명의 씨앗 (The Vagrant)
2020/07/13 06:37 5500: Live to Fight Another Day (Mega Man 11)
2020/07/24 01:03 5600: The Cream of the Crop (Dead or School)
2020/08/04 23:43 5700: 내 발자취에 길 있으리 (Soul Calibur VI)
2020/08/15 20:56 5800: 로벨리아 (잿빛숲)
2020/08/19 22:20 5900: Summer Walk Complete! (Pixel Puzzles Ultimate)
2020/09/20 00:42 6000: 천사들의 귀환 (Persona 4 Golden)
2020/11/05 18:25 6100: For 'Mir's Sake (The Hex)
2020/12/16 16:33 6200: 번개와 화살 (Sid Meier's Civilization V)
2021/01/08 22:46 6300: Remriel's true form (Wish)
2021/01/21 13:37 6400: Movie: Step into the ocean (Adventure of a Lifetime)
2021/03/08 21:57 6600: #26 (Reventure)
2021/03/21 12:47 6700: Pedal to the Medal (GRID 2)
2021/04/30 02:02 6900: Animal Farm(D&D: Chronicles of of Mystara)
2021/05/29 14:24 7000: 짜여진 각본 (Borderlands 2)
2021/07/01 22:34 7100: 마라톤 (UNRAILED!) -아내-
2021/08/29 21:45 7400: Unusual way: No killing (Out of Space)
2021/12/02 19:27 7600: Poicephalus (under Leaves)
2022/05/29 18:26 7777: 구조에 나선 벌 (Bee Simulator)
2022/07/02 00:26 7900: Damsel out of distress (Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition)
2022/07/31 11:35 8000: 불사의 존 (Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children)
2023/04/22 20:42 8500: 다이너마이트 낚시 (Unrailed)
2023/05/18 14:17 8600: 하드보일드 작가 (ALAN WAKE)
2023/06/01 21:06 8800: Lock, stock and barrel (DEX)
2023/06/16 20:59 8900: King of the junglr (GREEN HELL)
2023/07/14 00:25 9000: Master of bowmanship (화산의 딸) -아내-
2023/07/23 19:48 9200: The End of Summer (Blue Reflection: Second Light)
2023/09/03 11:53 9500: DEX (DEX)
2023/10/17 11:15 10000: 모든 게 화려하고 반짝반짝 (A Space for the Unbound)
2024/02/25 21:25 10600: Ultimate Machine (Spacelines From The Far Out)
2024/10/27 21:37 11111: 유령의 불꽃 (Core Keeper)
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Kain 8 Mar @ 9:56pm 
즐거운 주말 잘 보내고 계신지요? 날씨가 풀어져서 다행이라 생각됩니다 ~
3월의 첫주가 빠르게 지나갔네요 시간이 빠르게 지나가는거 같습니다 ㅠㅠ
꽃피는 춘삼월이 찾아왔네요 춥다 더웠다 알면서도 신기합니다 ㅎㅎ
남은 주말도 잘 보내셨으면 좋겠습니다
즐거운 주말 되시고 또다시 맞이하는 한주도 행복하세요 !! :luv::luv:
Shekhinah 4 Mar @ 6:45am 
@kain @여우 냥냥!
여우♡ 28 Feb @ 8:44am 
한 달 동안 수고 많으셨습니다 세키나님! 항상 건강하시고 따뜻한 봄 맞이하는 3월 첫 주말 행복하게 보내세요! :ayos_heart:
Kain 22 Feb @ 10:29pm 
즐거운 주말 잘 보내고 계신가요? 이번주부터 날씨는 풀린다니 기쁜 소식입니다 !!
2월의 마지막 주인거 같습니다 2월을 잘 마무리하고 새롭게 3월을 맞이하여 봅시다 ~
곧 따뜻한 봄이 올거 같습니다 추워서 걱정했는데 곧 올거라 생각하니 좋을거라 생각합니다 !!
남은 주말도 잘 보내길 바라며 주말 잘 마무리하여 내일의 멋진 일주일의 시작이
되었으면 좋겠습니다 감사합니다 ~ :steeped2024::luv:
Kain 15 Feb @ 11:00pm 
즐거운 주말 잘 보내고 계신지요? 이번주는 날씨가 좀 풀려서 다행이라 생각됩니다
내일부터 추워질수도 있다고 합니다 마지막 꽃샘 추위인거 같아요 건강 챙기셔요 ㅠㅠ
2월의 절반이 벌써 지나갔네요 이대로 따뜻한 봄이 찾아오길 바랄 뿐입니다 ~
남은 시간도 잘 보내시길 바라며 새롭고 즐거운 일주일의 시작이 되었으면 합니다
감사합니다 !! :luv::luv:
Kain 8 Feb @ 10:58pm 
즐거운 주말 잘 보내고 계신지요? 날씨가 매우 춥네요 요새 감기도 유행하는거 같습니다 ㅜㅜ
내일까지 추워지고 모래부터는 날씨가 풀린다고 하네요 아주 좋은 소식입니다 ~
세월이 참 빠른거 같습니다 벌써 2월이라니 시간이 매우 빠르게 지나갑니다 안타깝군요....
하는일 잘 되고 복되고 좋은 2월이 되었으면 합니다 !!
남은 시간 잘 보내시길 바라며 따뜻하고 즐거운 주말 보내시길 바랍니다 감사합니다 !! :luv: