Quebec, Canada
:boxing: :Speed_Bag:

If I removed you its either I don't remember you or we don't chat :P3R_Shinjiro:

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Hi there
Don't have much to say about myself lol.

I go by SleekSha, you can call me either Sleek or Sha, I don't mind. I've been playing TF2 since 2012 and honestly no other game can replace it.

In case this wasn't obvious: Yes, I’m an aspiring boxer. Been practicing since 2023. Only regret is not starting sooner haha.

I play other games: Rust, L4D2, State Of Decay 2, Outlast Trials, etc etc.

"How much did you spend on your collectors?"
I honestly lost track, I'd guess I spent around 800$ so far in getting them. And no I'm not trading them away anytime soon. They're most likely going to stay in my inventory forever. The candy cane was the cheapest, only costing me 9 keys.

No I'm not an artist, but I wish I was one lmao. I just buy art commissions.

Yes, I am a big fan of Hajime No Ippo, that anime is the reason I started boxing. My top 3 fav characters are:
1- Takamura Mamoru
2- Ippo Makunouchi
3- Sendo Takeshi

So yea, thanks for checking my profile! :Boxing_glove:

Discord: sleeksha
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Created by - HohibooYT
14 ratings
How to advance easily to the next belts and get no knockdowns
DeviantMary♡ 10 Mar @ 9:04am 
- rep didn't like my objector :papyrus:
SleekSha 27 Feb @ 8:21pm 
Damn, I will redeem myself one day!
Honeybun 27 Feb @ 8:14pm 
You were this close of being my 800th duel win.
Mipaichik 27 Feb @ 9:50am 
this guy is not spy. Trust me
Master rybalki 27 Feb @ 8:27am 
+rep,amazing player :steamthumbsup:
SleekSha 14 Feb @ 6:10pm 
Thanks! :D