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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 260.3 hrs on record (178.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Jul, 2020 @ 4:14am

When Gearbox released this game on epic it got a ton a bad reviews (mainly from the fortnut only players who never actually played a game before) and it got a lot of other bad reviews on it when new players started playing it and called it cringe or trying to be hip with the kids because of the meme reference's in it (even if the game has been in development for years idk why you would remove stuff that's been put in there and memes die in a week anyways and it's also normal to have memes put in a borderlands game) but besides that to me it's a great game, I had fun with friends on it, you can be stupid as ♥♥♥♥ powerful for no reason at all. I guess the story is okay, one character did in my opinion ruin it all, I like the character anyways but gearbox really shrewed up her story arc and she came off as annoying. If they actually worked on her a bit more mayhaps the story wouldn't be as bad but to me the story is okay. This game also had lgbt+ reputation in it and they all are not background charactrer's either, they are supporting or main.
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Solska 16 Jul, 2020 @ 9:00am 
Besides, one of the DLCs is literally about gay marriage, which I find to be kinda awesome. Despite being straight myself, I support the LGBTQ+ community (even if there have been some relatively unsavory things that some of the members have done, there is still good in a community and I can clearly see the good in it.)