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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 11.6 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Jan, 2021 @ 4:24am

This game was slept on or looked over by A LOT of people and it deserves more attention.
- The art style is great, also the art style seems very heavily based off of studio ghibli.

- The story might seem simple but it's also not complex either.

- There were a lot of good characters and you don't find your self forgetting them either.

- There were some funny and sad moments.

- Your choices matter and can lead to different outcomes.

- Most of the puzzles were not hard or too difficult I did get stuck on a few but I did get over them on my own except for one.

- Definitely worth your money on either a sale or for pull price.

- A shorter game cause I did finish it in 6 hours without getting off and playing something else and I was stuck on a couple puzzles for a bit too long so if I didn't have that problem it would be around 6 hours or less to finish the game.

- The characters in the game have very different personality's that you won't find twice in another character in-game, they all have their own voices and thoughts that would fit the object aka characters very well.

Like I said this game has been overlooked by a lot of people cause as i'm writing this there's only 928 reviews for this game currently so more people should play this game.
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