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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.0 hrs on record
Posted: 11 Dec, 2019 @ 6:56pm
Updated: 11 Dec, 2019 @ 7:04pm

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big stank dick dad 7 Aug, 2020 @ 5:42pm 
Do you mind explaining it to me because even if im not likely to agree on your opinion i would like to at least understand why you have taken this side on the matter. The only reason why I can see you taken their side is obviously because they are still people like you and me but I'm sure you can bring up some things I'm clearly missing seeing how I have this "evil opinion" on them according to you.
Astro Bloom 7 Aug, 2020 @ 12:21pm 
Also your comment about how people who are trans will make them an empty shell is not correct, lots of trans people who transition become more comfortable with their selves, it's not self harming behavior and that is exactly what transphobic people want others to think it is. People who are transphobic are not exactly afraid of trans people really it just means they simply don't believe someone can just become a different gender. So people will spread misinformation about them trying to cause fear in others. So sure it could go down to some type of fear but it's just mainly hate.
Then again why would I try and explain this to you when you started saying I'm not transphobic followed by a transphobic statement, and if you some how didn't know that was a very transphobic thing to say well now you do, even though i'm sure you know it very clearly is. :seriousboss:
Astro Bloom 7 Aug, 2020 @ 12:20pm 
Why would I try and continue to fight others who clearly won't ever change, it's a waste of time. People handle situations very differently, some simply don't block them and either continue trying to fight the same person day in and out, some simply ignore and don't block, and others sometimes just block them outright. I'm not going to waste my time trying to keep constantly fighting someone who's views will never ever change they will continue with the bad mind set they have for the rest of their life. And I been blocking people who are clearly against people who are trans and say hurtful things to the community.
big stank dick dad 30 Jul, 2020 @ 8:58am 
uh-oh looks like i didn't agree with your review, guess that makes me transphobic too huh? fyi I am not transphobic as that would mean I am afraid of them. I just know accepting their behavior wont lead them to happiness but just a empty shell in life but hey you are going to claim im transphobic anyway because you cant accept differing opinions.
big stank dick dad 30 Jul, 2020 @ 8:48am 
it's very interesting how you are willing to talk shit about a developer on a review of a video game that they created but when someone comes on with a different opinion then you just block them and claim them to be "transphobic". i recommend you learning how to "walk the walk" if you are going to "talk the talk" because it really makes you look like you have absolutely no response for their argument and you rather block them instead of proving them wrong.
Astro Bloom 23 Jul, 2020 @ 5:32pm 
Yh i'ma just leave this here chief sense u wanna clown around. Not gonna play the game ever again like I said, if u wanna support transphobic people go on ahead clown.

If they are literally vibeing with this freak for so long they clearly share the same views on life.:ctcoffee:
Bana-kun 20 Jul, 2020 @ 5:53pm 
If you made a negative review about a game and proceeded to not say shit about the game, as well as spin a lie when multiple games were on 41% off at the time, and ignoring the math that went into the game coming to that number in the first place, I don't think your "review" has a place here.

The developer's girlfriend being a "racist terf" as you put it, is on her. It's got nothing to do with the game and people like you shouldn't be wasting review slots with "reviews" such as what you did. Try playing the game more than an hour before dismissing it and leaving a garbage "review", yeah?
Astro Bloom 20 Jul, 2020 @ 9:00am 
The dev. can make as many games as they wan't but people need to know they are clearly a racist terf. In my honest opinion they shouldn't make games at all, also I know its on me to not support them, why did you think I made a negative review about so people can learn this in the first place? Also there's a good amount of people upset by this racist terf dev this isn't just a only me problem. Also you really don't see people putting trash comments on here lol?

Alright next comment!
Wow Kung your depressing huh? Your so cool and edgy telling someone on the internet to kill them selves for just saying the dev of the game is a racist terf. I know people like you have problems so maybe seek a therapist it can help a lot for people like you! :ctcoffee:
epicgriefer55 19 Jul, 2020 @ 11:29pm 
no one gives a shit about transexuals, they are just sad spergs craving for sex so much they are willing to destroy themselves for it. if you cant see that astro then there is no hope for you and i recommend necking yourself.
Bana-kun 19 Jul, 2020 @ 9:51pm 
do you want this dev to not make games or something lmao? all the complaining got her a whole buncha bread. It's on you to not support it if you want, but other people are under no obligation to not buy it based on what you say about it. I don't think there are many "bad" comments, lmoa.