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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 36.0 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Jan, 2019 @ 12:00pm
Updated: 14 Mar, 2022 @ 6:46am

As someone who suffers from multiple disorders, I can very much relate to some parts of this game, though now that I think about it, calling this just a mere "game" wouldn't be fair because it is so much more than that!

This is not just a game. It is an experience!

This masterpiece, while inhaling inspiration, a theoretical philosophy and a very authentic concept, exhaled encouragement, insight, mystery and illumination through a storm of creativity and resourcefulness. Unfortunately, though, not everyone will complete it and even fewer will understand the essence of the messages so ingeniously embedded and delivered to us through this experience.

I mean I, for one, may have just had a revelation while passing through its story and realized certain things that might have actually given me the tools I need in my own, personal fight against a certain "darkness".

So there's no doubt about it - this is by far and in all aspects, the greatest piece of art ever made in gaming history.

"The hardest battles are fought in the mind." - this line is as true and horrifying as they come. I can attest to that since I'm a living testament of it.

Infinity/10 - PERIOD.
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