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Posted: 6 Oct, 2024 @ 5:26pm
Updated: 5 Dec, 2024 @ 8:53am

Of Flamenco and Fencing
A short, but very sweet labor of love.
A flamboyant tale reminiscent of Zorro brimming with spanish exclamations, culture and swashbuckling flair coupled with a challenging difficulty in the later chapters.
Sprinkle a bit of flamenco soundtrack and voice actors with Spanish accents onto this fencing mayhem and a game like En Garde is conceived.

If you have enjoyed the fencing seen on Jack Sparrow, Zorro or Puss in Boots; you will certainly love this gem.
The game constantly pits you against hordes of enemies so that you are outnumbered and you have to rely on your environment in order to prevail.
In the same vein, the environment provides you with many objects to stun, surprise and break the posture of your enemies. Some of them are indeed rather humourous like blinding a goon with a bucket on his head. Others tend to be more head on destructive like igniting cannons or cannonball crates for some devastating boom boom.
Let us get down to the nitty gritty, the mechanics of this piece of art.
There are some simple and mostly linear jump and run sections which diversify the captivating gameplay loop a bit. Nothing too impressive, solid nevertheless.
Now the combat. you may ask: Is it good enough to seduce you to revisit this title after finishing the admittedly short story?
I say: ¿En serio? ¡⟩Es una maravilla!
Combine the excellent gameplay with an optional roguelike arena mode (varying difficulty levels) and you can sink a lot more hours into this title than you would need to simply finish the campaign.

Long story short, the mechanics revolve around throwing objects, kicking enemies, a parry and some special so called panache moves.
Different enemy types will be vulnerable to different strategies as not all of them can be parried.
Those that can not be parried, need to be kicked down stairs or "surprised" (debuff) with panache moves such as jumping over a table, colliding with kicked physics based barrels or dodging with proper timing for instance.
This very surprise buffs gives you an opening to get a few hits in.
All enemies are somewhat challenging except for the lackey class type enemy, which can be steamrolled with a fencing flurry.
However, when you are outnumbered even a lackey can be the dooming straw that broke the camels back.

Muchas Gracias for this fiery Spanish Spectacle with truly memorable characters like Adalia de Volador, Zaida or even the self aggrandizing Count Duke.
After all, every passionate fencing tale needs a villanous despot.
Que marravilla!

Originally posted by Musashi:

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Musashi 🌙 6 Oct, 2024 @ 6:40pm 
thanks mate! :OPWS_MonkeyDLuffy:
Billy_Brightside 6 Oct, 2024 @ 6:36pm 
This is a great review. Thumbs up from me. Thanks for posting! :pow: