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Posted: 2 Jan @ 6:44pm
Updated: 3 Jan @ 2:48pm

Happy Birthday Juliet Starling
A zany over the top last-gen fever dream which is as crazy and asinine as it gets....it is trashy, but in a classy way, as paradoxical as that may seem.,,

Review at 100% Completion
This means something as I rarely complete game achievements to a 100%.
I totally love this game, the completion time amounts to approximately 20-25 hours, I did not rush.
Achievements are not hard except for the nuisance "Go Medal Racer" achievement, royally screw you xD
It is your birthday, though zombies have overrun your school.
You are Juliet Starling, a cheerleader from San Romero High School, who belongs to the Zombie Hunter Starling family.
All of your family members are hilarious; from the tough as nails father Gideon Starling, to the cringeworthy lunatic Rosalind, the levelheaded sharpshooter Cordelia Starling and last but not least your doting mother.
Almost forgot to mention the last significant character, you have got a pervert of a sensei who teaches you to be a more efficient zombie hunter, the panty collecting Morikawa Sensei...I will not spoil further but you know...it is pretty much about slicing zombies in grotesque fashion with your chainsaw in simple terms.
All of the dialogue is beyond funny and the game just keeps on stacking inappropriate humor and sexual innuendos as often as it damn well wants.
Lollipop Chainsaw is emblematic of a time where video games did not take themselves too serious and is so much better off for it. Simply reminiscent of a time where budgets were smaller but developers like Dragami games were daring risk-takers who pushed the boundaries of what is considered a safe scenario to sell. It seems nigh impossible to get a game with such great obnoxious humor nowadays where development budgets are so large and concern for going with the established traditions is so predominant. But conservatively striving for what is safe does not necessarily sell games or gain you any accolades, Ubisoft is a prime example of that.
The end product is an absolutely crazy chainsaw mayhem, garnished with a comic book optic and plenty of fan service.
It is zany, crazy, uncut in its dialogue lines with jokes ranging from masturbation, pervy priests to sodomy. Ridiculous and entertaining through an through!
You will constantly laugh your ass off while playing this for the first time, it is a loop of never ending absurdity both in terms of dialogue and storytelling.
Lollipop Chainsaw plays like spectacle fighters à la Devil May Cry, but with a bit more simplicity. You hack and slay yourself through linear levels with combos you can acquire at the Shop2Chop.zom merchant stands. There you may also buy concept art, costumes and upgrades for Juliet's stats.
Gameplay-wise it shows that this is a remaster from an old 2012 game, therefore I will not be too harsh in this critique.
The gameplay loop is as mentioned, but coupled with frequent quick time events, too much according to my taste.
Executing upwards of three zombies simultaneously activates the sparkle hunt which gives you the premium currency and more zombie medals.
Game Design
One thing I want to emphasize, is that the studio behind Lollipop Chainsaw has created quite a diversified game design for its time. It is not repetitive due to the different gameplay elements it seamlessly integrates.
These range from some really funny events I will not spoil, to FPS elements and some special attacks.
Each stage is wildly different to the next and the bosses have a great and distinct art direction.
Art Direction
This game shines in its art direction. The entirety of the UI, collectables, upgrades and combos are illustrated in a beautiful comic book look. Some comic book effects are also employed on screen while playing. As it befits a lady like Juliet, her wardrobe is chock full. These are rendered in cut scenes, something special for games from that era providing some replayability.
Original Soundtrack
Unfortunately, the original soundtrack was not licensed again as it was replaced with an inferior set of songs.
I compared the two and the only better song from the new batch of songs is the sparkle hunt theme.
I understand that this pissed a lot of old time fans off who were saddened to see that the once iconic songs are missing.
Good news is that there is a music restoration mod posted on steam. I will link it here as I highly recommend playing the game with the original music score which you can otherwise only listen to out of the game as a paid DLC.

Now let us talk about the negative parts of this remaster...
Bug Density
As much as I hate saying this, the game has some bugs. These are minor like missing button prompts for instance and also quite major like bosses being stuck and invincible, which leads you to having to reload the checkpoint. Furthermore, the music disappears sometimes.
Lack of Polish
The chainsaw blaster's projectiles have clipping issues sometimes and in general the feel of the gunplay could be better. Hitboxes are way too rough sometimes and can feel awfully punishing, especially in some boss fights.
Furthermore, the QTEs do have an input lag, the devs seem to have noticed this as they have activated QTE assistance by default to remove annoyance by this game mechanic.
Finally, the last boss fights severely lacks polish. Killibilly may be the last foe, but he is easily the worst designed boss.
Personal Rating 88%
Granted, I am biased as I have a weakness for over the top zany storytelling
And perhaps I have been a bit too seduced by Juliet's frequent fanservice.
But I assure you, you will love this outlandish tale as much as I did, despite its short playtime of five hours, 20 if you go for 100% completion.
A cheerleader with a chainsaw and zombies, what more do you want?
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Musashi 🌙 3 Jan @ 8:12am 
thanks bridges :judy:
Bridges 2 Jan @ 9:41pm 
Great review thx :er_heart:
Prince Vegeta 2 Jan @ 7:51pm 
:104: :VEGETA: