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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 26.8 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Sep, 2024 @ 2:51pm
Updated: 5 Dec, 2024 @ 9:02am

Dead Games tell no tales
We really need neutral reviews Valve.
First of all, I grabbed this game on a discount for 20 bucks and for that amount it was worth it.

BUT and this is the big contraindication, I would not recommend it for any price higher than that.
It is a live service beast and it comes with all the downsides of that in terms of utterly disrespecting the player's time.
One would think you could expect land based combat after such a long time in development hell but NO....you only play as your ship.

This game would not even hold up if there was any serious triple AAA pirate competition.
But as the market stands there is no pirate game which can threaten it because all pirate games are janky sandboxes à la Sea Dogs and the old Pirates of the Caribbean by Akella Studio...except for Black Flag which is a far superior Pirate game.

There are a few good aspects of Skull and bones and I am gonna start with those.
It is a game with decent graphics and it certainly has atmospheric moments when you are sailing through a storm and fighting mythical beasts or battling elite captains on high sea while other players join in on the swashbuckling fun.
The NPCs are displayed with nice blur optic; even though most of them are pretty lifeless. Yanita was one of the few exceptions.
I acknowledge that they integrated different languages in the NPC dialogues; among them many have some Swahili catchphrases which positively caught me by surprise.
The main game loop is the naval action and it is fun. It has to be after all since it is the bread and butter of gameplay. I just wished the combat had more fog like in blackflag from the cannon powder.
Against wary expectations of Ubisoft's greedy practices when it comes to microtransactions, I can calm you down that there are a lot of cosmetics which can be obtained for free with the silver currency to customise your dream Pirate captain.
Sea Shanties are nice and multilingual even though they are always randomised, THIS could have been handled better like the Radio wheel of the GTA titles.
Ships offer a plethora of customisation options.
Diverse array of different weaponry for your ships and furniture to supplement your weapon, hull or crew strength. This provides a certain depth for team based PVE fighting or PVP battles.

By contrast these mediocre and good points are overshadowed by bugs, horrific design choices and a lackluster endgame.

The NPCs are empty shells of the Pirates they aspire to be.
Gameplay when docking on land is extremely simplistic and all the outposts look the same and have the same structure of having a cache, a bonfire for increased stamina and some messages in a bottle perhaps.
The map would have been wonderful as a parchment styled map but they opted for a map which reeks of Ubisoft UI overload with too many World boss, resource and questing symbols. Horrific design choice. In the same vein, world boss popups break your immersion every chance they get with players asking for assistance.
Treasure maps are not worth the effort as far as I could see even if they are LEGENDARY ONES!
And what is the point of having a cool parchment treasure map when the map points you to the chest anyway?!
The main quests and side quests are all mundane fetch quests mostly coupled with a bit background plot about two pirate Kingpins. Nothing memorable and powered by cringe dialogue cutscenes.
The chat and Social functions are extremely limited.
I hit endgame and a fairly decent ship by the 20 hour mark upon which a pretty mundane endgame awaited me.
The epic sea battles against elite captains and mythical creatures are cool but if you have done them they get old pretty fast.
The end game has two components: building your pirate smuggling empire and doing world bosses and PVP activities for lackluster treasure maps.
After you are satisfied with your ship and captain customisation it just feels like the game is not worth playing anymore unless you play it with friends.
Endgame is simply hell bent on keeping you playing with nasty player retention tactics like the real tedious empire building and grinding secondary currencies for tiny incremental upgrades to your ship.
Not sure if I am gonna play this again....
Buy it for 20 bucks if you have a faible for pirates or stay far away!
Not worth the full price.
The ones thriving Ubisoft seems to be stooping lower and lower in midst of angry share holders and a certain Assassins Creed Yasuke controversy...
Yves Guillemot declaring this the groundbreaking quadruple title is the pinnacle of being delusional!

Originally posted by Musashi:

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