9 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 148.6 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Apr, 2020 @ 1:38pm
Updated: 19 Mar, 2022 @ 11:33am

Playing a Souls Game for the First Time...
Best combat system there is combining simplicity and tactical depth via the posture system.

Brilliant Game. Stunning Visuals.
However, if you think the combat in Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Witcher 3, Assassins Creed or similar titles is difficult; this game might not be for you.
High frustration potential. Multiple deaths on mini-bosses lawl.
Believe me you will do the title "Shadows Die Twice" justice till you git gud!

There are way too many good things about this game to list comprehensively, but I'll give it a shot...
Personal Rating: 95%
Excellent work FromSoftware!

☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Mediocre
☐ Boring
☐ Bad
☐ Just don't

  • Exceptional mechanics and combat system that benefits from certain exploits reflected in some of Miyamoto Musashis teachings on strategy in the Book of Five Rings
    (rogue tactics or rhythmic parry methodology for instance in the context of the way of nature;
    "strike naturally" according to a Mushin state of mind that is void of a process of thought
  • combat demands that you utilize your opponents strength against him in line with the Japanese principle of aikido...simple parry mechanic that is very complicated to master!
  • Even though combat is very parry focused, you can often intercept and stun with aggressive decisions; but do not get too greedy!
  • Stunning Visuals
  • low storage demands for the price value that you are getting
  • Very merciless, but extremely fair and highly rewarding; the game demands you to make very few mistakes when facing an enemy or you will face certain death
  • stable framerate even in crowds
  • crowds attack relentlessly; not like in some Assassins Creed games where they attack one by one like idiots
  • Countless variations of how you can face your enemies and exploit their weaknesses with the countless shinobi prosthetic tools and items
  • Beautiful gory shinobi executions and deathblows
  • Opponents have many move-sets and are often unpredictable; the AI has a very intelligent feel to it in combat (the moves of the boss need to be studied precisely at times to win!)
  • Some bosses can be made significantly easier by acting sneaky like a Shinobi (Sun Tzu, The Art of War: "It is best to win without fighting") and using guerilla tactics
  • Choices matter, 4 endings
  • Death is punished severely and also has component of responsibility as repeatedly dying affects the NPCs around you and invokes a feeling of guilt
  • This aspect is well incorporated in the story (Dragonrot)
  • Unseen aid mechanic
  • Complex character progression via Shinobi Arts, Prosthetic Arts, Ashina Sword Arts and many more which I have not discovered yet (Esoteric texts)
  • Significantly more options in battle, the stronger you get
  • Good stealth mechanics
  • Great mixture of japanese mythology and historic aspects
  • Great Soundtrack
  • Dogs detect you easier than humanoids
  • Gambling mechanics such as the demonic bell and loot enhancers
  • Riddle boss (3 kimono Monkey Genjutsu)
  • Zombie training partner
  • Great Mikiri Sword counter
  • Grappling hook has immense speed running potential and adds much verticality while journeying through Ashina
  • Even normal enemies can pose a huge threat; especially in numbers
  • Almost everything can be countered and responded to with high posture damage (thrusts, sweeps, grabs and even lightning itself!)
  • Very cool lightning reversal mechanic!
  • the battle against the divine dragon is a really epic bossfight
  • Demon of Hatred bossfight
  • Really great but very demanding mini boss (Seven Spears of Ashina)
  • Combat is so intense sometimes, that it gets you really nervous
  • Checkpoints very fair and close to the bosses
  • Lots of combat tricks and even combos that the game does not tell you
  • Samurais signature move Battojutsu learnable (There is a Himura Kenshin mod!)
  • even immortality can be broken (both on yourself and enemies)
  • more than one difficulty
  • diverse enemies (animals, demons, samurai, mounted samurai, shinobi)
  • hack n slay wont get you far; combat is like a dance of blades
  • beautiful scrolls that illustrate the fighting techniques step by step
  • Extremely high frustration potential; some bosses have only been defeated by less than 50% of players owning the game on steam and it is a bestseller!
  • Sword is always unsheathed in most areas; insignificant design flaw; no sheathing option!
  • AI is intelligent in combat but very stupid in terms of stealth detection and escaping
    (shooting arrows against a wall; noise detection)
  • Although the battle against the divine dragon is epic, it is far too easy
  • Grappling hook only usable on enemies on certain timing in battle
  • items like ceramic shard only throwable in one direction
  • Shinobi prosthetic and the upgrades from the headless too powerful
  • not always clear where to go next
  • water could look much better
  • textures are okay, but could look better
  • terror abnormality far too powerful
  • mortal draw combat art far too strong; almost feels like a cheat
  • Grab hitbox too big like in the fight against the ogre for instance
  • too few execution animations
  • very negative point is that only one combat art can be equipped at a time.

Brace yourself for probably the hardest game you have ever played but one of the best on Steam in terms of price & value!

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Rjs90 4 Sep, 2020 @ 9:10am 
Musashi 🌙 28 Jul, 2020 @ 1:26am 
thanks :OPWS_MonkeyDLuffy:
Star 27 Jul, 2020 @ 1:12pm 
great review :F12015Trophy: