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Posted: 18 Dec, 2024 @ 5:25am
Updated: 19 Dec, 2024 @ 1:37am

Katamari Damacy REROLL is like a Drug Trip, in a good way...

Katamar Damacy REROLL is an absolute gem with a truly unique game mechanic and lots of zany fun!

Due to the sloppy divine intervention of the pompous King while on a bender, the cosmic balance has been disrupted.
Now all the stars have vanished and it is up to you, the prince, to go to earth in order to roll up a litany of objects which the king will shoot into the orbit to serve as new stars and starsigns.
The King of all Cosmos is memorably one of the most off-beat characters ever breathed life into in a video game.
A self obsessed space god and absentee father who is damn hard to please.
The gameloop is as simple as it sounds. You roll the Katamari around in different locations and roll up objects.
However, you face two constraints while doing so.
Firstly, you have to adhere to a time limit which can be quite challenging in some levels and the bigger your Katamari is, the better. You only get your father's approval by rolling up a huge Katamari and let me tell you he is quite the nitpicking and demanding bastard.
Secondly, objects which are too large too roll up will knock you back and even cause you to lose some of your precious Cargo from your Katamari. Make sure not to crash into things.
Furthermore, there are NPCs such as rats or bulls or police men which will attack you on sight. Better to steer clear of them until...

THE MAGICAL MOMENT where you are big enough to roll them up too!
This indeed is so much more rewarding as a feeling than I can do it justice here in this review.
Whereas you start off small and roll up small householditems like rubber ducks, nails , pens or some appliances; the bigger you become, the larger your additions to your Katamari may be.

It is truly an amazing feeling when you roll up humans, large animals and especially later large houses, ships and even skyscrapers for the first time! Please refer to the attached screenshot 2.
It is so damn rewarding and one of Katamari Damacy REROLL's strongest points in its game design is how addictive the gameplay loop is and how gargantuan the variety of objects is.
There are so many different objects, some quite funny ones, which all get displayed in the bottom corner of the screen as soon as you roll them up.
It is a testament to the confident vision of the Devs that they may take every day objects and amalgamate them into a wondrously bizarre frenzy of an end product; by imbuing it with a whacky story and a crazy, most importantly hypnotic game feel.
A magnetic game mechanic which plays on our innate desire to collect things and observe the Katamari grow.

The game provides you with a statistic of what you rolled up the most in the pause menu and at the conclusion of a level.

I admit the controls need some getting used to. Although this is by design, to simulate how unwieldy it is to maneuver a giant katamari for the tiny prince.
There is vertical and horizontal movement, 180 degree spinning and a sprint with the katamari. Turning around freely is not possible.
Unfortunately, the sprint does not always execute in my experience.
Maybe it is just me or maybe it is hard by design to properly execute the sprint.
You can finish the game without it just fine, hence not a big deal.

Original Soundtrack
We need to talk about the music of Katamari...it is such a marvel.
While the game already shines in a cohesive vision of zany fun and an addictive gameloop, it is further ameliorated by the great cozy soundtrack which accompanies you in every level.
Makes rolling around and rolling things up to make your Katamari bigger an absolute treat.
5 hours of crazy fun guaranteed!
I highly recommend this game for everyone who wants to try something new, something different than the mainstream titles.
It only costs 1 Euro on grey market sites!
Highly underrated game. I just wish it was longer...
It took me around 5 hours to finish the main and side quests, but I did so with a constant grin on my face all the while nodding to the eclectic soundtrack.
But it does offer replay value in terms of getting a higher high score.
Rating 90%
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Prince Vegeta 18 Dec, 2024 @ 7:09am 
:redjewel: :steamthumbsup: :bluejewel: