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Posted: 19 Feb, 2014 @ 6:00pm

Team Fortress 2 is a FPS shooter which pits 2 teams against each other to complete specific objectives. There are 9 seperate classes to play as. There is the scout, who is really fast, equiped with a scattergun, and is mainly used for flanking, capturing the control points, and grabbing the intelegence. The soldier has a rocket launcher, and has a lot of health. He mainly destroys buildings, and keeps enemy scouts in check. The (schitzophrenic) pyro has a flame thrower, and mainly ambushes at corners, and kills off enemy soldeir's via airblast. He also has a special achivement item, that takes you to a magical place, full of rainbows and unicorns (I'm not kidding about this, this item is legit). THe Demoman has two different grenade launchers, one with stickies and one without. He sets out traps, destroy the Engieneer's buildings, and sometimes goes DemoKnight, a sword-swinging, Chargin-Targin beast who specializes in the art of the crit. The heavy has a minigun, and basically destroys everything, and eats a sandwich. The engineer, with wrench at hand, builds sentry guns to kill everything in the land, or despensers to heal up teammates and refill their hand, or teleporters to takes them far and near. That is, until a rocket or grenade comes and blows up his stuff. Then he goes home and cries. The medic just heals things. His weapons are a healing gun and a syringe gun, and those are pathectic at damage. The healing gun heals up your team mates and the syringe gun is absolutly pathetic at damage. He just heals and Ubercharges. What is an Ubercharge? Figure it out for yourself. The sniper shoots stuff from far away, or throws piss on everything. The spy goes invis or disguises, and just backstabs everything for instakills. The game is balenced and has no pay to win elements.
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