3 people found this review helpful
5.3 hrs last two weeks / 266.8 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 24 Feb, 2023 @ 11:35am
Updated: 24 Feb, 2023 @ 5:49pm

Let me start by saying I loved the original COH, played it on local LANs, and even bought it again once it hit Steam. I never quite got into COH2 for a number of reasons, but I do believe the game got significantly better over time through patching and community feedback.

For COH3 I played in the pre-alpha back in the summer of 2021, the multiplayer pre-alpha later that same year, the summer 2022 alpha, and the multiplayer tech test just a month ago. The game is now released, and yes, it's still buggy. I don't believe it's nearly as bad as the COH2 launch, but it needs a lot of love.

Having said all that, I'm already having a blast. It definitely has more of a COH1 feel than COH2, which may be off-putting for folks who loved COH2. I can't speak to the single player, but the Italian "dynamic" campaign is apparently where a lot of complaints are coming from. I see a lot of minor quibbles, but even those may be justified for a game that has been fully released.

-If you're a fan of COH1 multiplayer, I'd say give it a shot.

-If you're in it for single-player, you may want to wait and see if they address some of the issues.

-If you're a COH2 fan, you may want to wait on it too.

Time will tell if they put the same care into it that they did with COH2 and I can't blame anyone for criticizing it right now. I'm honestly having a lot of fun and can see myself playing a lot, but I do believe they released the game too early or should have put it up for early access.
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