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Not Recommended
7.8 hrs last two weeks / 620.5 hrs on record (581.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Nov, 2020 @ 8:13pm
Updated: 14 Sep, 2024 @ 7:16pm

Probably one of the worst games ever made. Everyone is toxic than end up voting to kick you for no reason. Combat is awful none of the hits make sense. How is someone blocking my hit while not looking at me, finally kill him to end up dead by your tm8 in the next 20 seconds. Nobody plays this dead game literally like 3 servers max with 1 being a full lobby and the rest with 4 people in it. Game is awful it was quite fun the first few days than you just do the same bs, Dont buy this game if you value your sanity. Been kicked from 3 diff servers back to back just for joining and not slobbing off the lobby. Was asking a question to the lobby about how stuff works and get kicked saying I voted them out when I dont even know the fu***** controls. Its a knockoff call of duty but worse at least its possible to get more than 2 kills a match on top of the 50 minute long matches. If you enjoy this game you have no life simply put. "You need to get good" no you need to put the computer in rest mode and get some sleep. Any lobby you join theres a minimum of the whole lobby being 80+ thinking theyre good because they can feint spam and then have 6 dudes land on top of you. If you dont get killed by the team battles youll be killed by the b****** using horses like theyre good or the campers using bows in spawn where you cant get them. I shouldve refunded the game when I had the chance. solid 3/10 for being able to scam me out of $30. Would rather lick donkey kongs n*** than play this game. If you have more than 100 hours on here you need counseling pronto. Will i continue to play? Sadly yes only because I already bought the game and will at least get a minimum of 30 hours out of it. Last but not least... its FUN AT TIMES but rarely.

Update -
The game is good, I was just bad. This game is in fact a game that you either are very good at or you will get ran through every fight. It requires a substantial amount of thinking, if you dont know how to do what the majorirty of the people do you will lose every fight. Although the game is hard, it is very fun once you learn how to play properly. Just learning my way of using feints ive gone from 5-15 kills a game up to around 50 if I play the whole game. My last review however wasnt far off but the game is a decent game worth buying if youre willing to get drilled for hours on end. Find joy in the chat system at start is what I would say to new players, after that start working on team fighting then work on solo's.

Update 2 -
Dont waste your time playing this game. If youre even capable of getting good after a few weeks, youll just be banned for no reason. Mods do whatever they want with no worry of losing their spot. If you get unbanned just wait till they see you type and youll get banned again. Once again, dont buy this rubbish unless you enjoy kissing the feet of fat losers that do nothing all day. Not to mention half to all of the lobby is racist. Well if youre black theyre racist. White people in this game cant be racist as they spam the chat all day long and nothing happens to them. If you respond against white people, youll be perm banned. Its essentially like living in the 1800s. White people do whatever they want and blacks take all the punishment.
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