Anthony   United States
from datetime import datetime

now =

current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
my_city = input()
my_state = input()
log_entry = current_time + ' ' + my_city + ' ' + my_state

Steam Replay 2022
Titoli giocati
Nuovi giochi
Vetrina degli screenshot
I KNOW THEY'RE NOT SPECIAL. But they're special to me
Gioco preferito
Collezionista di giochi
josemiguel 11 ott 2023, ore 13:35 
from django.contrib import admin

from cms.admin import NameSlugAdmin

from .models import Company

class CompanyAdmin(NameSlugAdmin):
search_fields = ['name']
list_display = ['__str__', 'contact', 'email']
ordering = ['-pk']
Toast™ 3 nov 2022, ore 17:52 
I'm only accepting Python code examples in my comments from here on >8(
Slushie <3 29 ott 2022, ore 7:57 
i think its hilarious u kids talking ♥♥♥♥ about @Toast™. u wouldnt say this ♥♥♥♥ to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the biggest strap-ons, eats at the chillest strip clubs and ♥♥♥♥♥ the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
ZeviX 26 set 2022, ore 18:01 
i am chimkin from cs go ... i barely survived inferno ... i just want you and ur friends stop killlin my chimkins or im gonna peck the sh1t out of you .My dream is to travel from A sight to B at my friend horse near construction without getting hurt together with my chicks and u always ruin it... please copy paste and stop this madness , let a chimkin cross inferno my brothers
K1tty 14 giu 2022, ore 19:42 
i am chimkin from cs go ... i barely survived inferno ... i just want you and ur friends stop killlin my chimkins or im gonna peck the sh1t out of you .My dream is to travel from A sight to B at my friend horse near construction without getting hurt together with my chicks and u always ruin it... please copy paste and stop this madness , let a chimkin cross inferno my brothers
sm♡l tiddy 12 mar 2022, ore 8:29 
chicken butt :ChenNeko: