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Did you enjoy Exodus? Well, here's some more of that. Didn't enjoy it? This won't change your mind.

The new level (about the total size of the Volga chapter, all things considered) is about average. It's varied, but also full of invisible walls and not that visually impressive. The new weapons don't stick out one way or the other. The new protagonist is voiced, but still doesn't have much of a personality during gameplay sections.
Yayınlanma 9 Eylül 2021.
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kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
You've got about 3-4 hours worth of gameplay here (about a third is pure cutscene, with one of the three "gameplay" levels consisting mostly of scripted sequences). It's all confined to the Novosibirsk tunnels, you're basically familiar with the story from playing Exodus and don't get any new revelations, and the one new weapon isn't particularly fun.
Yayınlanma 9 Eylül 2021.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 7.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.2 saat)
tl;dr - this is the most generic game imaginable, even though the setting had some potential.

There are a thousand Diner Dash clones out there - Gamehouse alone has a hundred and more. Why should you choose a particular game?

I generally rate these games as interesting if they have a particularly insane story or challenging and diverse gameplay.

The story here is the most generic "girl goes to magic academy, vague magic intrigue, CHAOS MAGIC" imaginable. In a week or so, the only thing I'll remember is "the Chosen One is a pot-smoking [but not explicitly] slacker, haha, we forgot to write any actual jokes around this". It's kinda hard (but not impossible) to write a proper tense and engaging action scene with Gamehouse style sprites, but no one even tries here.

It's very easy to imagine a pseudo-RPG magic system that would allow you to gain temporary \ permanent magic as a result of your actions during gameplay \ achievements. Once again, not attempt is even made, the gameplay is incredibly generic.

On the plus side - the game is basically bug-free and matter of the factly adult about some things.
Yayınlanma 25 Temmuz 2021. Son düzenlenme 26 Temmuz 2021.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.4 saat
A 15 minute game would be a worthwhile time investment if anything at all happened. This doesn't even work as a demo for a larger project, because you don't have any interesting interactions with the world.
Yayınlanma 16 Mart 2021.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 18.8 saat
What is it?
Isometric action-rpg with a built-in time rewind mechanic. Start out by reacting to what your enemies are about to do and blocking, dodging, moving away or attacking in the perfect way to ruin their ♥♥♥♥. Then throw in fire, poison, cold, ice, area effects, buffs, and a LOT of explosions.

What's Good?
The basic gameplay loop is hella fun. You can execute a complex plan with multiple consumables and interlocking elemental effects to take out an entire enemy encounter at once. Or you could lure a troll into an enemy camp and laugh as he wreaks havoc. Or you could rewind face-bash your through the bad guys by simply attacking them to death.

It's fairly addictive.

What's Bad?
1. The scope of the game is fairly modest. No real skill trees, dialog choices or gear. The story ends as you defeat a mid-boss and decide to take the fight to the enemy. No new game plus or level editor, both of which would be incredible.

2. A lot of minor bugs. None of them gamebreaking, but all persistent and annoying.

I wrote some more in-depth impressions here.

Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Just keep in mind it's probably a one-and-done, worth approximately 15-20 hours of gameplay.

Hopefully, the sequel is going to be highly expanded.
Yayınlanma 17 Ocak 2021. Son düzenlenme 26 Haziran 2022.
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51 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
84 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 12.5 saat
Make sure you hurry up and play this before the sequel comes out in 2013 2014 2017 2020 2022 2032 2045 before the heat death of the universe.
Yayınlanma 20 Temmuz 2020. Son düzenlenme 20 Temmuz 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.1 saat
Played both Zuma titles over and over, but still crave more of the same gameplay? This is a decent clone.
Yayınlanma 26 Haziran 2020.
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7 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 21.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.3 saat)
I'm pasting my Zuma Deluxe recommendation here, because the two are basically one and the same:

I think this game has trouble tracking offline playtime, because I'm fairly sure my mom has dozens if not hundreds of hours accumulated over the years. It's a perfect casual game - colorful, aesthetically pleasing, easy to grasp but constinually increasing in difficulty without ever getting overwhelming.
Yayınlanma 15 Nisan 2020.
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10 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 61.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 13.2 saat)
I think this game has trouble tracking offline playtime, because I'm fairly sure my mom has dozens if not hundreds of hours accumulated over the years. It's a perfect casual game - colorful, aesthetically pleasing, easy to grasp but continually increasing in difficulty without ever getting overwhelming.
Yayınlanma 15 Nisan 2020. Son düzenlenme 16 Temmuz 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.6 saat)
I mostly buy casual games for my mom and \ or nephew. Neither of them liked this one - possibly due to the element of random chance or because you spend a lot of gametime just waiting for the ball to bounce around on its own, with no input on your part.
Yayınlanma 13 Nisan 2020.
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153 sonuçtan 21 ile 30 arası gösteriliyor