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14 people found this review helpful
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15.5 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
Utter garbage of a remaster. Its buggy like hell.
Two levels fully unplayable:
- Poisonville: if you have two companions with you at the last portion of the level fps will drop to 3 fps, if you'll leave one and make your way further through level - fps will be back to normal.
- Steel Town - If you'll die on hardcore, this is it - you'll have to start all over, because if you'll try to reload your last save it'll stuck at 85% and will be loading infinitely. If you'll try to reload entire level - it'll load, but you won't be able to move at all LOL)
This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ not worth even a penny. Buy rather original game, its surprisingly more stable.
Posted 1 December, 2024.
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108.4 hrs on record (103.4 hrs at review time)
"What`s done is done. What`s done... Will be done."

Eleven years... eleven years ago i've played it for the first time! Life went full circle...
It was a hell of a journey back then, and still is. Some time ago i've decided that i'll be replaying from time to time all of the games that i have played years ago.
But anyways let's get back to the game itself.

Main Game

The game is 11 years old by this point, but it aged pretty well, even tho there is still dated artistic effects "here and there" - but you won't notice anything, if you won't be searching specifically for that kind of "artifacts of the past".
Game was made in a half caricaturistic half realistic style (just as pervious games). In my personal opinion - one of the most butiful games i have ever played.

Game was criticized for cut content, rewritten a dozen of times plot, lack of fully revealing some of characters... to be fair - rightfully so. But it still has a good story. Even tho some people finds this game depressive af, i think it's other way around.

Typical gunplay of early 2010's, as well it's the same as pervious games. The "One-Two" Combo still effective.
Ain't much more to say about it, it's neither bad or good. It's just fine.

I mean... the game is 11 years old, yet, personally - i had and have no issues with it whatsoever. Gotta have a potato machine to have any kind of artifacts (even back in 2013 it was optimized well enough)

Burial at Sea (Both parts)

Artistic style is awesome. Developers managed to sucessfully remake Art-deco style and the atmosphere of the first Bioshock, plus they showed how Rapture looked like before the revolution, briefly but they totally hit the spot. That's the plus.

The main minus is - truerly bad attempt to couple the lore of both - pervious games and Infinite. That was truerly not a great idea, along with a slumby wrighting. If the main game could surprise "here & there" with a plot twists, BaS is predictable since the beginning. There is a lot of things to criticize as an example - "Drinkable Plasmids" that is never been mentioned before. Some people will say "Constants and variables", i'll say "Horse sh*t and a lazy wrighting".

Same as the main game. Tho devs been lazy enough to not to change the revolver model to the iconic Webley - it just uses Hand Cannon model from the main game with a slightly different skin. And added just three new guns - TommyGun, Radar Range and a HandCrossbow.
TommyGun - just a reskinned "Triple R Machine Gun" from the main game, with a more terrible damage coupled with a bad spare ammo count.
Radar Range - one of those guns that is effective and ineffective at the same time. Damage is good, but ammo consumption is just simply stupid.
Hand Crossbow - actually pretty good.
- Gas Bolts - may incapacitate multiple enemies with a single shot. Rare to find tho.
- Tranquilizer Bolts - most pick. Can to knock out a single enemy and ammo are pretty easy to find.
- Noisemaker Bolts - ineffective against the enemies directly, but using this type of bolts you can attract enemy's attention and knock them out using Air Grabber from behind. Spare ammo can be acquired via successful lockpicking.
"Plasmids" are basically reuse of the same types of vigors (couple of types) from the main game (minus the variety) along with adding cut vigors from the main game such as "Old Man Winter", "Peeping Tom", "Possession". All three supposed to make appearance in the main game. Well at least those vigors found application in the dlc and didn't remain as a "cut content".

Just as fine as the main game. Even tho - it's been 11 years, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ security door being stuck bug haven't been fixed. That's probably the only issue.

Main game - is simply awesome and must be played if you consider yourself a true gamer.
BaS Dlc - just a money drainer because it doesn't add much to the story of the series. If you like butiful graphics - it's good enough to be played. If you like "plot twists", "answers to the questions of the pervious games", "additions to the story" and "revealing of the secrets" - you'll briefly find any here because as i mentioned before - wrighting is sloppy.
Posted 17 April, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
What can i say... Another "Made on a Knee" with no variety overpriced skin (Medic band doesn't count devs...)
Yet a good effort on an attempt of creating a lore friendly DLC.

For the devs, since you forgot why pervious dlc's are so good: if you still want to make a good cosmetics (haha yeah...) - add at least the variety to the equipment that would be equal to the class of the selected skin. Right now this is a third skin that is just basically overpriced copy&paste for all classes.
Posted 22 January, 2024.
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34.9 hrs on record (21.8 hrs at review time)
Game has odd and bizarre design, but besides that - there is nothing new, it's typical Action RPG. It doesn't mean that it's completely bad because of it there is just nothing new.
Plot is ok, typical aswell but not too bad neither.

i'd gave it 7/10.

P.s. Just for you Keke - because of RoboTwins: i'll give it solid (not soft) 10/10
Posted 24 November, 2023.
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13.4 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
Teyon Did it once again - Game is on the movie level.
They even managed to get Peter Weller voicing RoboCop.
But! There is just one and only stupid thing - Skills tree. Without it game basically wouldn't lose anything at all.
At the same time without it there would be no point for collecting evidence stuff....

Yet, as a classic movies fanboy i can say it's solid 10/10
Posted 5 November, 2023.
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33.4 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
Valve should add an achievement called "Stubborn but Patient" for those who waited long enough for those shaders to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOAD.

10000/10 would wait again.

P.s. for those canheads who insist that it's the hardware problem, but not the technicall issue of the port - "it is totally that" - my ass.
I've got an I5 with an RTX 3090 TI along with a fast Samsung SSD - LOADING BLOODY SHADERS SHOULD NOT TAKE UP TO A FEW HOURS. (it was on the release like that)
Waited for two hours on the Release... shaders loaded on 27%
Waited after "Day one" patch... shaders loaded on 50%
Uninstalled with a hope they'll fix it.... and because ♥♥♥♥ waiting THAT long.

Installed it back just a few hours ago - menu loaded... and what do i see? Main game shaders - LOADING
Left behind - LOADING. This time for Main game it took just 20 minutes, for LB dlc - it took "Just" another 30.
"Good job" patching it. Bloody disaster....
Posted 3 November, 2023.
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13 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Overpriced Cosmetics DLC that doesn't even shows up ingame. 10/10
Posted 19 October, 2023.
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6.8 hrs on record
Ain't much to say but - High quality remake.
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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47.1 hrs on record (33.2 hrs at review time)
So i'm currently playing it for the 2nd time (to complete all of the achievements) and i've came to the following conclusion:
(Following the classic style of reviews, i'll split it to pros and cons)

- Interesting setting. 18th century france combined with clockpunk - looks pretty good in my opinion.
- Interesting and deep story. (not going to spoil it tho) at the same time there is no "interesting plot twists"
- Planty of sidequests.
- Possibility of playing as 18th century sex doll (i've included that just for you Keke, enjoy)

- Game's short like hell. It can be completed for 5 - 8 hours. (without sidequests)
- Difficulcy is not as "dynamic" as it been said. Game's easy like hell compare to any DS series/kind game.
- Poor variety of the equipment.
- Fighting system is clunky like hell.
- Player collision is dreadful at the times. I mean... it should not be a thing - getting stuck on literally anything.

Game has a big potential, but it wasn't fully used for some unknown reason. Hopefully it'll be fixed in future dlc's (if there will be any of course)
Posted 14 September, 2022. Last edited 14 September, 2022.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Pretty fun and funny game that tells most of Half-Life 2 Events in a short and cartoonish/caricaturish style.
If you like fun cartoonish platformers - this game is for you.
Posted 8 May, 2022.
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