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Recent reviews by Draken Kiele

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1,196.8 hrs on record (241.3 hrs at review time)
game is improved graphically, the organization and general flow is better. I have even been converting mods from FS22 and throughout the testing the game is not locking or anything, they just work or they don't and even the error logs are better at describing where the issue are, down to the line of lua script. I love it. I will play for several thousand hours just on these maps. Good game!
Posted 18 November, 2024. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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620.5 hrs on record (580.0 hrs at review time)
I'm flipping this back to no. Again, I think this has potential. And, I feel like the devs are really making a good effort. But, dirt does not disappear, and you cannot make a tunnel with a bull dozer. And you should be able to dig a hole and fill it back in again. A very simple test. And you cannot do this with this program in it's current state. Keep trying devs. The dirt is behaving better now, just get a handle on the conservation of mass thing and your game will be amazing.
Posted 11 February, 2024. Last edited 30 August, 2024.
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510.8 hrs on record (114.2 hrs at review time)
I am very happy to say, that this game, finally meets my requirements to recommend. Keep up the good work developers!

I really enjoyed this game. I built a huge ranch with a greenhouse full of grapes, hundreds of chickens, etc. It was fun. And I really liked the hunting aspect. As an avid player of similar types of games I can say that I hope the developers of this one will continue working on it. The interactions with objects in the world were much less complex than I have seen in other games. The game needs a bit more complexity. But, the pieces now seem to be in their proper places so that the developer can focus on making the game more interesting and not so much on functionality.
Posted 30 December, 2023. Last edited 3 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Starfield is the pinnacle of human ingenuity! While Elon is dreaming about taking mankind into space, Todd has done it! Starfield is everything I have always dreamed a space RPG could be.

Wait. Is this thing recording?
Posted 6 September, 2023. Last edited 24 November, 2023.
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395.3 hrs on record (264.3 hrs at review time)

I'm a Multi-Billionaire! Wish it was real.

Nothing like a game you can play at work and boss thinks you are working.

Wish that Hack/Grow/Weaken/Backdoor and all the Port Hacks had more creative depth.
Wish restarting and losing all your money was not necessary.
Wish I understood the Stock Market.
You lost me however, when you took away all my augments and started me over, basically. RAGE QUIT!

Other than these things, great game.
Please make it better with more detail/realism.
Hacking in this game is too easy.

Why am I putting each sentence on a new line?

Just WHY?
Posted 16 April, 2023. Last edited 20 April, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
10 Minutes of gametime. But, so far, so good. I am excited to see where this is going. WIll this be another survival is fun for a while but where is the story gig, or an ok great story but the survival aspect needs work thing? Or, maybe in all the chaos a dev finally realized you need both to make a great game?

Not much to complain about so far. Would like to maybe have a prelude scenario, a dream from your academy days or something where you at least have the class on how to make food.

So, advice to you nubs that haven't played as long as I have (hrm .. humm... 10 minutes). Uh, you need food, real fast, or you are going to die, real fast.

Good Job Devs. Thumbs Up! +1, and back pats for the first 10 minutes. More Later. I have to go start game 2. Since my avatar starved to death.

Posted 2 December, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Let's be real people.

I bought the game in 2011, twice, first on XBOX, then, after seeing the mods on PC, I bought the PC version.
Spent like $120 give or take a few bucks.
I began modding (using yes, and then making my own). Now I run well over 300 mods, with almost no glitches.
It takes time to get it all set up, but after all, we buy games literally, to waste time. We call it entertainment.
Now, I have over 10000 hours combined in Skyrim, and SE and now starting in on the Anniversary Version today.
I never bought a single Creation Club item. Just downloaded all the free ones. So, do the math. $140/10000 = 0.014. So, for less than one penny an hour. I have been entertained.
Put another way, if I had spent 10000 hours on ANY other form of entertainment, the cost would be astronomical.
So, do I recommend Skyrim? Not only do I recommend it, I believe it to be the essential game of the past 10 years. If you play RPG, you MUST own this game. It defines an era.
Posted 14 November, 2021.
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7.7 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
WTF? I can't even figure out how to equip and shoot a weapon. This game needs an in-game tutorial. How does anyone even learn to play this game. I have downloaded this game over and over every few months hoping it will get a tutorial. But, so far, still seems like you actually have to be a rocket scientist to play the game. Looks like it would be really fun. Uninstalling. Again.
Posted 13 March, 2020.
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13,171.5 hrs on record (4,804.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Best overall game of its kind.

10000 plus hours in this game. So, how could I not recommend this game? This is the amount of time you spend getting a 5 year degree. So, basically I have another B.S. degree (pun intended).

In all seriousness though (not easy for me), this game (from the "big picture" standpoint) is just OK. However, it is one of the best ship-building games on the market.

I've seen a lot of complaints about how hard it is to build working ships, or that the ships in the workshop do not work. Well, that is simply because the developer keeps making the building more challenging. So, older builds (that are still somehow in the top ten list in the workshop) do not even function in-game without serious modification. This is not a bad thing. It shows the devs are doing a good job. Well, at least with that aspect of the game. I think it is the best part of the game.

The quests form a good story. But, the delivery is total trash and the triggers are buggy. In all the time I have spent in this game, I never completed any but the tutorial quest-line because of glitches. I only know the story from reading the text file that contains all the quest lines.

And, although there is an endless supply of new galaxies and planets, after a while they all start to look the same. And, you can only start on a few different types of planets, and always the same used up crash landing scenario. I just make up my own and ignore what the game offers. Seriously, how hard is it to make a few more bugs? aliens? And why are there two dinosaurs? Two. It's like eating left-overs from other games.

And the workshop is literally a popularity contest where star ratings and upvotes have little to do with the functionality or even the artistic or originality of the authors and are more based on how many friends you have on your list. There are so many really good (yet, completely unknown ship designers) that are overshadowed by the authors that self-promote to the point where players worship the ground they walk on.

Another plus is that the devs are making serious changes based on community. The problem is that most of the community is just interested in PvP and killing things. So, say good bye to any real substance.

So, if you want a game with challenging early game survival and (probably the best) ship building simulation on the market, but you don't care about the story or any kind of end-game, this is the game for you.
Posted 24 January, 2019. Last edited 24 November, 2023.
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552.1 hrs on record (64.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is so addictive! In the past 24 hours, I have spent 17 trying desperately to avoid bears and wolves. Though, not for the faint of heart, or for anyone who does not enjoy the agony of defeat. This game is for those who find joy in the small things, like matches and gunpowder. And by the way, the only thing worse than a bear in front of you and only 3 shotgun shells, is one behind you that is being very sneaky.

Just a few things I'd add or change. I would like a way to know how many days I have survived. Like a knife you can use to carve hashes in a tree or something. Also, traps. Maybe I just haven't reached the right level yet or something, but being able to make snares or something would be nice. So, I can make a fridge and a nuclear power plant, but no snare? LOL.

And who is dropping all the goodies every morning like Moses', wilderness mana from heaven. I never knew what mana was until now. It's obviously shotgun shells and gunpowder. Duh!

Would also be nice to have some instructions early on, like a survival book or some such.

And finally, plain old steps, just three steps. I made my first foundation too high and now I have to jump to get in my one bed apartment.

Great Game! Kudos to you.
Posted 15 January, 2017.
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