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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 17.4 hrs on record
Posted: 24 Oct, 2024 @ 2:29pm

The Tomb Raider reboot is fun overall, but it's also a mixed bag. The environments are awesome with a unique verticality that gives the game a unique feel, but the quick time events are beyond atrocious. The animation and action set pieces are wonderful, but the combat is extremely easy and unimpactful (except when enemies surround you and you instantly die, then it's annoying).

This would be a long review if we went into depth on the pluses and minuses. Ultimately I would simply describe this as a very good game that was shipped out six months too early. If you smoothed out the player movement and made it a bit more crisper without any janky/glitchy object collision, if you had a more solid vision if it was a dangerous game focusing on stealth and smarts or a run and gun power fantasy.

Room for improvement, to a greater degree than what I've described here. But hey, there's two sequels and I'm excited to see how it transforms.

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