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Nedávné recenze uživatele alfaunicorn81

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426.4 hodin celkem (98.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Don't run for a job you can't afford. You see a shiny new vehicle and the owner left it in the condition as it was...years ago, back in the FS19 era when I first got into the FS-series.

If you think there's a mountain of changes in FS25, you'll be upset and frustrated, and probably end up in badly emotional state. The improvements are artificial - like a brand new make-up product in a cosmetic store.
I can't say I would recommend a product like this one for someone with weak nerves. The game physics will make you into grumpy, angry and sad person. The psychological impact of such in the long haul could cause risk of long-term illness caused by overwhelming emotional temper.

On the positive side there's nice graphics once you get rid of the flick & flock (read: visual artifacts caused by bad shaders.) These can cause serious injury for your eyes and turn every session into a cruel nightmare.

If I was a doctor for real, my recommendation would be: Stay away and wait for patches and mods.
Until then GIANTS are so busy that they haven't even added a moderator at this games discussion board on Steam. That's how occupied they currently are.

I myself have much fun with this game despite the common problems in the FS-series that hasn't improved as much as influencers hype it to be. Bad salesmanship doesn't work well these days. Suprising enough, GIANTS is still selling the same hype with developers showcasing the new features that are yet so far behind in time that it's comical. This isn't UNREAL (engine) yet, but unreal in simulation - technical simulation. That alone impacts the gameplay and the handling of big toys.
Odesláno 19. listopadu 2024.
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123.1 hodin celkem (121.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I can speak for myself and others after a long run with Euro Truck Simulator since the game was released several years ago. There is a lot of good quality content that the games from SCS Software deliver. But as with other similar games, these games fall into the arcade category.

The oft-repeated complaint that keeps coming back is that the AI ​​traffic is bad. Perhaps the other more obvious thing is that in the year 2024 inside this game, one cannot get out of the vehicle to inspect the car's tires, fill the tank with fuel in the realistic way, or perhaps even give the driver a snack at the gas station. Perhaps you want to check the oil on the engine, or for that matter check that the load on the trailer is properly secured. Some simulator roleplay missing for sure.

Inside the game one does not meet newly hired drivers for ones transport company as 3D characters, but rather as avatars to be reckoned with in the game's UI. Much of the administration of the transport company does not seem to go very deep into reality. Eventually, it actually becomes difficult to get rid of the money as you hire more drivers or reach a certain level of experience along the road.

American Truck Simulator seems more like an American photo album for trucks and trailers, just like Euro Truck Simulator with its European feel. The world around the vehicle seems like much of the same, where the details seem to be occasionally poor and repetitive despite variations in the landscape. The sunsets and sunrises are nice and lovely for sure, but repeating assets seems to be a bit overload even in deserted landscapes.

Along the way, the player will gain experience in dealing with traffic signals, road signs and more - a learning curve that doesn't exactly feel complicated. The GPS seems to have its importance, even when road incidents may occur. Experience is rewarded, but not by unlocking a new vehicle by level. The progression is rewarded with points and new parts that can be acquired if you want to change the vehicle at the workshop or at a truck dealer.

The graphical rendering is quite good despite the old game engine, but lags behind Anti-Aliasing and graphics cards from NVIDIA. With a higher resolution up to 4K, the game shines, but takes its toll to run with this resolution when everything has to be fully rendered. An old game engine should sooner or later be upgraded.

So despite SCS Software putting a lot of emphasis on DLC content to their games to give the impression of expanding their horizons, the games remain technically un-upgraded. This is something they should perhaps soon think about emphasizing as modifications from the community cannot compensate for it alone. DLC content alone will not make up for what is being requested, which would ideally be about a realistic representation of driving a long-distance transport on the road as a virtual experience and not just landmarks or famous places along the route.

I understand that SCS Software is deep into what they create and certainly has a technical understanding of the driving profession. But considering how many years the games have been out already, they have a lot to deliver on the simulator part. They're not a AAA company understandably, but will need fresh capital if they want to carry these games up to a throne level. For now, they don't have many competitors, as Euro Truck Simulator has been popular for several years, a trend that doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.
Odesláno 3. června 2024. Naposledy upraveno 3. června 2024.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
167.5 hodin celkem (78.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Just another vehicle game/simulator game that surely impress us with good looking graphics and vehicles. That's the main plot for most of the games of this genre - to give you an impression of being 'simulators' - or rather a simulated grain of salt?

Well...This is just another game that probably was expected to set a higher standard from the previous MudRunner, that is likely more accurate. But as noticed, the developers is yet another moneygrabber company like GIANTS Software's Farming Simulator that gives a crap about their player base. In fact I played Snowrunner on PlayStation years ago in 2020. To my surprise I see the precenece of the same bugs and problems back then now in 2023 - considering that the first version was released in 2020 after all.

Compared to Farming Simulator, Snowrunner is one step ahead when it comes to vehicle simulation and dynamic ground - which yet today isn't implemented in the 'makeover' of Farming Simulator 19 - that flopped out as the 'graphical impressive and shiny new' Farming Simulator 22 with its stuttering nightmares at launching a new map.
In other words: something that should be preloaded by the game engine, doesn't get preloaded. That's hard to implement, right?
For what all GIANTS Software did back then, was to introduce a season feature - a wellknown mod made for FS19 named Seasons by a mod developer they 'all suddenly' hired. Yep! Some desperacy there or what?

Simple answer: Cash in, cash out!

Now if you are just playing games for the impression of eyecandy graphics, you could probably make some of these games on your own in wellknown game engines out there. But if you are a simgamer like me that only doesn't look at graphics but physics and playability as well, I guess Snowrunner is something you'll likely buy on sale. Anything else that is released related to Snowrunner - is just another chunck of 'impressive vehicle graphics and eyecandy assets.' The rest that comes with such DLCs, are just another set of hungry bugs left over for your own problem solving - which you also paid for.

It's quite amazing, right?

So let's head over to the simulation part of this game, to a particular task called 'Weightlifting' - where the player is supposed to lift a huge locomotive of the rails and transport it to another location.

For this task there is no information given about recommended vehicle to use. There is no information about if a crane is going to be used or not. The locomotive can be towed a little on the tracks until it derails and tip over. Now lets head over to the crane part, and here is the setup:

- International Paystar 5070 truck
- Profcrane 320 crane add-on for the truck

Trying to lift this heavy locomotive with the Profcrane does not work. The crane doesn't have the power, and the truck gets pulled down or will tip over. Vola! No hints or information given.

Given that this truck with terrain/mud tires is also jumping on the mud/terrain road like a rabbit among other vanilla vehicles and trailers, there is no proper or realitic dynamics or vehicle behaviour when driving such garbage.

So the mission/task is called 'Weightlifting' that misleads the player to think that the locomotive must be lifted and transported. Well, there is no crane in Snowrunner with such capacity. So you actually end up with winch pulling the locomotive instead. In fact the developer has not ever since the game was luanched, done anything to clarify this task or the title of the task at all.

Also another task related to the train tracks is asking the player to fix the tracks. I fixed those tracks before pulling the locomotive. Given that this task is tricking you to think that the whole train track is fixed, proves nothing else when the locomotive derails under towing.

So Snowrunner is clearly an arcade game made by game develoipers that doesn't understand math or physics. They just made a product for your entertainment only. And that's what you are buying.
Odesláno 26. dubna 2023. Naposledy upraveno 28. dubna 2023.
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144.5 hodin celkem (38.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
The game's graphical rendering is OK but seems poorly optimized. A number of graphic artifacts appear, such as screen tearing from static light sources.

Camera control feels like a shaky nightmare - even in third-person perspective. The way the camera is locked to trailers makes driving a twisty experience.

Day and night in the game go by way too fast, and there is no way to turn it off. Nor can one sleep over until daylight.

Small peaks or edges of dynamic soil in the construction area tend to become so hard that the machines get stuck. The tires of a 20-tonne wheel loader do not sink into the foundation, and almost bounce on the ground with a strange sound. The wheels also do not reflect the weight of the vehicle.
Small obstacles such as asphalt edges cause some asphalt machines to collide with the foundation after the asphalt has been milled away.

The vehicles' braking power cannot be adjusted. It is static and the vehicle brakes too hard when the throttle button is released. Several of the vehicles spin on flat asphalt even when fully loaded and almost jump off when you start driving - with gearing that seems unrealistic and is mainly automatic.

The game does not provide upgrades for each individual vehicle. It is not possible to decorate the interior of the vehicle, or replace parts of the vehicle with available spare parts. Individually, each part could have been repaired, for example wheels or buckets on a wheel loader.
Nor can you switch directly between different types of digging tray brought with you.

The ability to automatically refill a cement mixer or paving machine is a function that does not exist. The machines must be filled manually each time. You also cannot transport a fuel tank directly to the workplace and must visit the nearest petrol station.

Crane towers do not have lights or built-in light control. Lifting and lowering construction materials with a tower crane is very slow - especially with the largest tower crane in the game.

Almost every machine/vehicle in the game uses the same engine sound. The sound of the engine is not authentically reproduced. In addition, the noise from work and movement of dynamic soil is far too loud. There is also no individual volume control separately for vehicles or surroundings.

In comparison to other games of a similar genre, one can wonder what makes the game more unique? One can also wonder whether the game developer has familiarized himself with the machine's characteristics and the vehicle experience while using the machines. Completely fundamental dynamics/physics such as starting and stopping a heavy vehicle of up to several tonnes are not properly simulated. Even using a game controller seems to make the gaming experience even more bumpy and unsmooth.

The game does not reproduce a realistic simulation, but rather appears to be a toy simulator for large construction machines. The game developer should look at the playability for future updates, and also the possibility of mods, since the game is in strong competition against other similar games in the genre that use construction machines.

I do not recommend buying the game if you as a buyer are looking for a realistic construction simulator. The game is currently only a light version of that kind. You can of course easily transport the goods with the help of fasttravel and ignore the physical characteristics of the vehicles. In the meantime, you should probably wait for a couple of updates.

The game can thus far be considered early access.

Since Construction Simulator is mainly a vehicle-based game out of the box, the vehicle part weights a lot more to my review than the construction itself - which is pretty basic and enjoyable as well - but not the vehicle physics in its current state.

EDIT: Considering to turn OFF Steam Input when using controllers such as a Xbox controller to get smooth steering and less jerky vehicle behaviour.
Odesláno 3. října 2022. Naposledy upraveno 3. října 2022.
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507.5 hodin celkem (6.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Do you want to eat rotten fruit? That's not good farming.

Farming Simulator 22 is currently another beta version of a product that launched way too early. Wait until they've patched up this thing.

I've had hundreds of hours from previous FS titles. Still, this launch proves my point: GIANTS Software is one of those game companies that points you to the promised land (hyping things up). Yet they make the same repeatedly mistake as many others companies in the game industry do: Releasing products way too early.

Save your money for something else for Christmas. This game title needs a BIG FIX.
Odesláno 22. listopadu 2021.
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462.3 hodin celkem (93.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Some unusual lag between building mode and live mode on a high spec PC, but everything else is working fine.
Odesláno 19. října 2021.
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29.3 hodin celkem (14.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Spillet er visuelt ganske pent og innbydende. Siden dette er en av de første overlevelsesspillene jeg har spilt, så ble jeg overrasket over hvor bra denne litt klønete, men komiske og grøsseraktige fortellingen er, selv om det kanskje er meningen også? I alle fall så blir det mye looting, mens det er spennende å bruke disse våpnene man kan konstruere for å ta ut fiender. Mye morsomt å snike seg innpå fienden i spillet og bruke kartet for det det er.

Nå har jeg ikke spilt lengre enn 14 timer, men ser frem til slutten. Liker det jeg har sett så langt og tror at dette spillet fort kan toppe listene etterhvert.
Odesláno 31. července 2021.
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