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16.7 hrs last two weeks / 812.5 hrs on record (63.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Sep, 2023 @ 3:34am
Updated: 28 Jun, 2024 @ 3:40am

My personal experience and impression so far

In the meantime, I am playing via GeForce now so that I can have higher graphics quality AND do recordings.
I'm also in Act 2.
What I wrote here remains true for me (it's getting better and better if anything), but I may have to overhaul the whole review at a point.

The following certainly has influenced my experience;
I played BG1, BG2, IWD, PS:T and NWN1 with expansions all within the last year, so the memory is relatively fresh. All I knew about D&D 5E is from Idle Champions, in the meantime, I learned a few things.
While some say it is not recommended, I am doing my first playthrough with the Dark Urge background and the intent to resist as hard as I can. With this background, you not only have some dark force inside you, but also wake up in your pod covered with blood, remembering nothing but your name. For me, this intensifies the experience.

Old player confusion...
I was utterly confused with the spell system at first (I perfectly understand prepared spells and spell slots, but I still confused this at the beginning and then wondered why I couldn't cast anymore...).
Same with the controls... the latter I resolved by adjusting the key bindings a bit (I automatically hit spacebar when I have to think about my next move, Q or G when something dangerious may be ahead and...)

Technical issues
I also had technical problems, because I am playing on a low end laptop. If you consider buying, keep in mind that BG3 is resource-heavy. There are workarounds for older machines, there are useful guides, got tips from friends and made a video about how to be able to play with the graphics still looking nice and without too much lag.

Be open
The biggest mistake you can make is comparing BG3 to any other game or expect it to be the same experience as any other game.
It's a different game, with a different ruleset, with different combat mechanics, and comparisons only will ruin your experience.
Best approach it with an open mind.

Graphics, effects, sounds, music, atmosphere...
Just love the graphics, it is all so detailed, and in my opinion they did a great job with the facial expressions in cutscenes, how they change. (It may lead to your character looking totally different, but so be it.)
The music, the atmosphere...
Spells and spell effects also are nice. Personally, I like how spells are cast by saying what they are supposed to do in Latin and a lot of gesturing.


There are very dark moments (for the background I chose, at least), then again some more light-hearted „normal“ adventuring, where you can explore the beautiful landscape, grab everything that isn't nailed down, go treasure-hunting and/or enter a dungeon.

An eye for details may pay off
It may be only me, but from the beginning, I saw reminders of other games all over the place. The way how something is described, some specific phrases, even had one or the other WTF-Wrong Game?-moments. It's in the details.
There definitely ARE references to BG1 and 2. You can find books which mention characters and events from these games. There also are tiny little details you will only notice when you either played the old games or know a lot about D&D lore, including the Faerûnian pantheon and the history of the game world(s).

Dice rolls all over the place
Maybe they overdid it with the skill checks. The RNGod rules here. Can be annoying or frustrating at times, when the dice decide a bit too much.
On the other hand, these can lead to funny situations which give a certain tabletop feel. When you fail at what you are best at, but succeed at what you are worst at. Or when the Wizard without Perception bonus detects a trap first. Made me laugh a couple times.

There also are some philosophical moments. If you explore everything carefully, interact with everything, talk to everyone and everything and read all the books, not only does it show that the designers knew their lore, it also may raise a few questions if you think about it.
You even can encounter an NPC early on who asks you a philosophical question.
Had a very emotional moment here (also because... my poor character... almost picked the second option) SPOILER WARNING:


Play the way you want to
You can play this game for the combat part (which can be fun) or for the story or for both.
I found thorough exploration and having an eye for details most rewarding.
As for combat, can be fun. There are so many different things you can do and try.


Thinking outside the box
It appears that you can confuse the AI a bit by doing something unexpected. I was able to beat a group of enenmies of at least level 3 and larger than my level 2 group without a fighter in my team. I am playing only on Balanced, but still... was fun.


I am still very early in the game and don't know what is yet to come, I still may end up disappointed or find myself unable to win a battle or otherwise get stuck or frustrated. I certainly hope not.

As I only have seen a small fraction of the game and, as I already said, the experience is a personal one, this recommendation is to be taken with a grain of salt.
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
Musashi 🌙 24 Jan @ 1:12pm 
awarded with poetry:starsky:
Musashi 🌙 24 Jan @ 1:10pm 
outstanding review. thoroughly enjoyed your thoughts and your style:RT_moon:
Teajay 24 Jul, 2024 @ 8:40pm 
Wow, fast 500 Stunden hast du bereits. Ich muss das Spiel wohl auch mal wieder beginnen (vielleicht dieses Mal mit Mods) :steamhappy:
1Danjl_BOT7 28 Sep, 2023 @ 4:13am 
liebe Anne, danke dafür, dass Du immer so aktiv und freundlich bist!

Hier habe ich Dir ja schon Daumen und Preis verpasst - ich geb Dir noch mal einen auf Deine eigene Profilseite :possession:
Horde Commander 22 Sep, 2023 @ 4:11pm 
Hey, sehr schöne Rezension. Ich werde meine (mitlerweile schon wieder 3 Jahre alte!!) Rezi bald mit der Zusammenfassung meines Spielerlebnisses - quasi als Vorwort der alten Early Access Rezi - ergänzen. Aber erst wenn ich komplett fertig bin, nein nicht mit den Nerven, sondern mit dem Spiel, zumindest mit meinem ersten Durchgang, ich nehme mir Zeit :)
kotyatki 19 Sep, 2023 @ 11:36pm 
Badseb 15 Sep, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Sehr schön.:cupup:
Clavaine 14 Sep, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Tolles Review in sehr gut geschriebenem Englisch! :steamthumbsup::winter2019surprisedyul:
Yenzear 14 Sep, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
Annie Other 14 Sep, 2023 @ 8:36am 
Danke euch allen.