Daniel James   San Francisco, California, United States
Give me classic Halo or give me death.
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24 ratings
Created by - Attika
Review Showcase
270 Hours played
Story is proper hard sci-fi with really well thought out world and concepts.
World/tone is probably closer to Snowcrash than Blade Runner, but also fits material much better.
Presentation/writing is god-tier and there are certain segments which are practically 45-min of pure dialogue where CDPR are just flexing what incredible writers they are. Material juggles philosophy, science concepts, narrative and even the occasional theology, with stunning fluency.

CDPR's character writing is excellent and everyone down to minor side characters are written with such coherent motivations and in high detail that there is always more to the story than you can possibly gather at first glance. This is such a key part of making the world so immersive beyond "graphics shiny" and they nail it better than any game I've ever played.

RPG elements are weak and ignorable, you never quite feel like your V is truly unique bc investment in them is never really transformative. Aside from your arm mod, any given V plays mostly the same.

FPS stuff is standard, forgettable, Immersive Sim elements are surprisingly very well done if you bother to play by them. Frequently felt like they were undermined bc being able to just play the game like a first-person shooter makes them easily ignorable. They clearly put some excellent design into these levels, but stupid brute-force works so often that it feels more like "neat thing you could have done," rather than actual problem solving. Play with just a sword and revolver, and the game gets much more fun. Ironically, had the game been more limiting of the player, you'd have more room for expression.

This game gets flack for not being New Vegas style branching narrative, but this is a silly argument. Many RPG narratives do not branch. That Cyberpunk's branches are either 1) limited to variances w/in small loops of the story that don't affect the whole and 2) pushed to the back-end of the game, isn't an inherently bad thing.

Overall excellent narrative experience, and on all artistic merits --writing/design/music/art-- it really did live up to my hopes. The actual gameplay aspect of the game let me down and I frankly don't find it very compelling as an RPG. It's very much worth experiencing, but many of the aspects that made The Witcher III such a prestine experience feel like they were lost.
Favorite Game
Hours played
Gijoe 1LD 31 Mar, 2018 @ 5:48pm 
Thanks mate. I was looking for my friend and he and you have the same name. Sorry to have bothered you, Salute! /**
Attika 31 Mar, 2018 @ 3:55pm 
I don't own or play Arma 3.
Gijoe 1LD 15 Mar, 2018 @ 8:44am 
Hi mate, I have you as a friend; But is you Arma 3 name different than CatSkip?