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Somekid 27 dec, 2024 @ 7:13 
Being a vegan is a lot like being a neckbeard. It's not about the fedora on your head, it's about the fedora on your heart.

So if someone says you look and sound vegan, they're saying you give off a vibe that you have health issues bordering on serious and refuse to admit that the decisions you've made might have a causal relationship.

Like a guy who complains he gets no sleep but drinks an entire pot of coffee before bed? That's a vegan.

Dude who doesn't know why he has tetanus after he nailed his hand to the floor with the rustiness nail he could find? Vegan.

Dude who just doesn't get why he needs his stomach pumped after swallowing a full litre of bleach? Vegan.

Your vegan trait is giving off an aura of depression but voluntarily using Discord.
Vitreous 16 sep, 2024 @ 22:01 
Somekid 2 jun, 2024 @ 10:32 
Total Saiyan death. Kill Saiyans, Behead Saiyans, Roundhouse kick a Saiyan into the concrete, slam dunk a baby Saiyan into the trash can, crucify filthy monkeys, defecate in a Saiyan's food. Launch Saiyans into a hakai ball. Stir fry Saiyans into wok. Toss Saiyans into exploding planets. Urinate into a Saiyan's wine. Judo throw Saiyans into a wood chipper. Twist Saiyans heads off. Report Saiyans to the Frieza Force. Slice a Saiyan in half with Death Saucer. Curb stomp pregnent Saiyans. Trap Saiyans in lava. Crush Saiyans in the trash compactor. Liquify Saiyans in a vat of acid. Eat Saiyans. Dissect Saiyans. Exterminate Saiyan monkeys in a gas chamber. Stomp Saiyan skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Saiyan's in the oven. Lobotomize all Saiyan's. Mandatory abortions for all Saiyan's. Drown Saiyan's in piranha infested water. Vaporize Saiyan's with Ki blasts. Kick old Saiyan's down the stairs. Feed Saiyans to demons. Remove the Saiyan race using the Super Dragon Balls.
Somekid 31 dec, 2023 @ 22:06 
Achievements aren't content and I will die on that hill.

They add nothing to the game except to artificially increase the play time. I don't need a list of chores to tell me how I should be playing a game. You're not my mom. It's one thing when achievements actually reward you, but most are just lazy fetch ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

I didn't beat your game because I didn't collect the 100 piles of ♥♥♥♥ you hid in the copy-pasted or under-finished parts of your game? ♥♥♥♥ you, I beat your game when I played it from the beginning to the end. Achievements for each ending? The audacity to think I'm gonna play your ♥♥♥♥ game twice. Limit myself to a specific build for an achievement? Limit your lips around these nuts.

♥♥♥♥ you Prey (2017) in particular. Your achievements are the amongst the most egregious I've ever seen in a single player game. I can't imagine how much the devs over at Arkane Studios love the smell of their own farts.
Somekid 15 jul, 2023 @ 12:52 
've been married to my husband for two years, and for the past two years all he's been doing is playing a wizard online game called Loot and Wank. He stays up till two in the morning every night and when he comes to bed, he's all grabbin' my ass, treating me like a troll, screamin' "Two damage! Two damage! Get that ass in the air, troll, I'm about to get aggro!".

What are the reason my husband is in there lootin' and wankin' and slingin' his wizard junk? Am I too fat or ugly? My therapist told me he wouldnt even bang me and he banged a lot of trolls in his time, he recommended me to do somemthing positive for myself like plastic surgery. Im not sure what to do, I dont want to just be his avatar. Please He
Somekid 21 nov, 2022 @ 19:15 
I understand how you feel now. I was hungry for some icecream when I opened the fridge and saw a 25-inch salmon. It was perfect for me. The temptation was to much for me..The salmon glare at me, even though it's dead, thinks it knows what I'm about to do. I quickly bring it to my bedroom and do the deed. The feeling of the slimy-cold salmon felt like a bliss. I couldn't stop myself from doing it but I can't change the past now. I was 7 Days in and I'm disappointed at myself