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Posted: 16 Jul, 2022 @ 9:50am

So total war Attila.
I bought this game off a third party site (eneba/g2a) so i was unfortunately unable to refund it but so be it.
I had high hopes for TW Attila, as i had seen creators such as lionheart play it, and it looked astonishing from the graphics, to the concept and the mechanics.
So i downloaded Attila and booted it up. i was excited.
Then i tried loading into a campaign, where i could see the cursor and hear the sounds - but couldnt see the actual game.
I thought this was a bug. BUT NO. It continually happened, i tried many fixes and wasted a good 2.5 - 3 hours of my life trying to get this game to work. But it didn't.
I of course got no help on the forums cuz you know creative assembly don't give two ♥♥♥♥♥.
I did discover many others had this issue.
I am certain it is due to the engine Attila is built on.
Also, might i add i had this issue with Rome 2 total war but i somehow managed to fix it (which is good)
but yeah, if you buy Attila don't be surprised if it crashes or is extremely buggy.
have a good one.
Rating: 3/10
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