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Posted: 6 Oct, 2023 @ 5:50pm
Updated: 22 Sep, 2024 @ 3:32pm

Reverse Red Herring

From the trailers, you're probably expecting that Marty or Hans's ghost are going to be the main bad guys responsible for the murders. Hell, Hans would seem to have the biggest motive since Case 0 hinted that he may secretly be more sinister than he looks. However, the real answer turned out to be a different evil spirit. At this point, you'd think Marty was in the clear, but then it turns out that he was committing murders of his own and that the enemy in the first bad end actually had several traits that indicated they were human. It was quite a clever twist, though I wonder how he's going to continue fooling Sally in future games. Maybe she'll turn against him, or maybe her new zombie body will eventually corrupt her mind to the point where she won't care that Marty killed Lily for her sake. I guess you could say that he's a twist on how an unconfident person develops into becoming more confident and decisive, since he's now extremely determined to get a happy ending with Sally at the expense of everyone else.

As for Lily, it's sad that she dies in the true ending of her debut game after going through so many trials with the Ghosteaters. She gets to live in the normal ending and it does give her the opportunity to find some kind of meaning as an exorcist, but it also means Marty's journey ends abruptly, so that ending would be unsatisfactory in a different way. It sounds evil of me, but I'm personally hoping that Lily succeeds in her evil spirit revenge arc contrary to Marty's expectations, or at least finds a way to avoid getting exorcised like a throwaway villain.

I also like how the game expanded on Jade's characterization, since she normally seems to be just a manipulative sadist, but it turns out she can hear the voices of the elder gods and she learned they could potentially end the univese any time they want, which probably caused her to decide to join the winning side. This ties together Marty/Nya's arc with Brucie/Jade's arc to show that they are much more connected than most people originally thought. In hindsight, I really should have seen this twist coming due to how similar Jade and Nya's motivations are. Though I wonder if Jade truly enjoys what she's doing or if she's trying to appease the elder gods so that they spare the universe. That will be a question for another game.

I'm pretty sure I saw a few screenshots of combat on the dev's twitter, but those were cut during development, likely because there are actually very few major battles in this game. As a result, this game is entirely just talking and activating events, with all battles happening in cutscenes. Personally, I would have liked to see how everyone uses their different fighting styles in a battle system, especially Lily who relies on money. To be fair, some of those battle cutscenes are pretty epic, especially when Jade uses her own period against the ghosts in the final battle.


I like that it ties up loose ends from the prequel Cannibal Boy game and how it makes Jade a more interesting character with her connection to Nya. I just hope the next games can give more spotlight to Lily and hopefully make her a great antagonist, now that she's stuck in the evil spirit role.
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