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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.2 hrs on record
Posted: 23 Jun, 2023 @ 9:36pm
Updated: 23 Jun, 2023 @ 9:45pm

Maybe the Real Chests Were The Friends We Made Along The Way


This game has a very big world map with many locations, and each one has its own history. There's also lore about the heavens, the Nether, and a very complex element system. And yet, all of that is used to tell a very simple and short story about a bunch of friends camping out in the wild and having a good time. There are no super strong monstrosities to slay, except for one optional dude in the second dungeon who was literally too angry to die.

For the writing, I really did enjoy the interactions between the characters, as well as learning their stories. The ending was also very heartwarming and makes me feel happy for Tole getting closure. Unfortunately, the translation is very inaccurate, and not in an unintentionally funny way like with Sword of Paladin.


Each character doesn't really learn a whole lot of skills, but you can clearly see that some thought was put into setting up resource loop so that Tole can fill up the TP of the heavy hitters Zong and Rosy. However, due to the plot, there is also a clear power different between the characters, so in an extended fight, it can be hard to keep the resource loop up if Tole dies from his lack of levels, though he and Rosy do have decent stat growth. Sadly, there's also only one real challenging boss in the game, so there's no chance to see your weaker characters grow.

Unfortunately, the ATB system makes it so that time flows in the outermost menu, which made the combat more frantic than it should have been, and there's no way to adjust the ATB settings or speed. In short battles, this isn't a problem, but in a longer and tougher boss fight, it's very easy to panic and lose control of the situation. Personally, I would prefer a full-wait mode for the ATB so that time pauses whenever I have to make a decision.

Although the game is short, I did like characters and I hope to see more of the setting in a sequel or spin-off game. However, the translation really needs an overhaul and the ATB system needs a full-wait setting.
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