40 people found this review helpful
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Posted: 7 Jan, 2018 @ 6:17pm
Updated: 7 Jan, 2018 @ 6:23pm

"Together, we can build a Primordia; every day a moment of creation".

General Impressions
There is a certain wistfulness that permeates an existence without affection. In Primordia, building a robot is the equivalent of birthing one. To oil cogs into a machine's first breath is a labor of love. However, just as much as human birth can blossom from a seed of spite, machines too can click and clank about as the result of nothing short of duty and necessity.

Playing as Horatio Nullbuilt (built by null), wistfulness is your paragon; humanity, your faith.

With that premise, Primordia may prove not be a game for everyone – even if such thing did exist. On the other hand, its infinite amount of excellently delivered wisdom make the game quickly and universally take root within every heart brave enough to play it.

In that sense, I believe there has never been a point and click game quite like Primordia. Although it stands atop of a hill with the classics – the Monkey Island series, The Broken Sword series, The Longest Journey, etc. – it holds something that few of its older peers have: it has the vision, the eloquence and the language of modern day games. It takes the best if its genre and holds it close to its heart, while tossing away the majority of what so many people have always disliked about it – like not knowing when or in what order to combine items or being stuck in convoluted puzzles – and from that, it draws its strength and appeal.

However, Primordia's strongest trait lies elsewhere: in its story. The universe it weaves is one that begs you to belong to it. Which is quite the accomplishment, considering how the vast majority of said universe is tarnished by decay and, upon a first glance, seems wholeheartedly uninviting and cold.

And yet, as my last decision of the game dawned to an epic close, I didn't want to leave. That scrap of the Earth deemed as its most crude and barren shell felt like home, and Horatio Nullbuilt and Crispin Horatiobuilt felt like family.

There are, out there, creative births that make us wonder how far we can stretch the definition of 'art'. In Primordia, it is just as endless as a robot's love.
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dangerhighdoltage 29 May, 2018 @ 8:50pm 
No kidding. I need days with 60 hrs in them myself. The game I'm playing right now turned out to be 50-60 hrs long and I thought it was maybe 10 hrs. So much for finishing it by Friday. Blackwell is GREAT and those puzzles can be super tough. Don't feel bad if you need a guide after an hr or so of banging your head on a desk.
☽ Coraline Castell ☾ 29 May, 2018 @ 8:44pm 
@Zucchini thank you! I strongly recommend Primordia. And I own the Blackwell series and yet haven't gone around to playing it yet. I need days with 30 hours. :butterfly:
dangerhighdoltage 29 May, 2018 @ 8:21pm 
Wonderful metaphors in that beginning paragrap and very well written. I need to play more Wadjet Eye Games! I've only played the Blackwell ones. So much backlog, so little time.
Janos Biro 9 Jan, 2018 @ 10:56am 
Frostbyte 8 Jan, 2018 @ 12:18pm 
@Mark, aw, it's ok! I didn't take it as prepotency of the developers. I haven't played it yet, but your concept of a "small story" still sounds epic to me, specially after the contact with the game through the eyes of my friend Coraline. :abs_happy:
☽ Coraline Castell ☾ 8 Jan, 2018 @ 11:12am 
@SpiritedAway YOU'D LOVE IT! I'm sooo sure you would! Keep it in mind the next time you go Steam shopping! And thank you soooo much for such a high compliment. Means a lot! <3

@Najlah awww thank you, dear!! <3 :butterfly:
blue 8 Jan, 2018 @ 10:49am 
since i could not put into words the love i have for this game, you did an awesome job doing it friend! :LIS_butterfly: ..
☽ Coraline Castell ☾ 8 Jan, 2018 @ 5:59am 
@everyone I'm simply overwhelmed by your positive comments! Thank you all. This game is one of my all-time favorites and I remember doing basically nothing else (in my free time) but play this for almost two whole days. I hope you can all undertake this marvelous journey one day as well!

@Mark thank you so much for making such a unique and special game! It brought a smile to my face seeing your comment here. (: :butterfly:
Starwing 8 Jan, 2018 @ 1:43am 
Fantastic review, Cora!! It's so well written and definitely helpful :greenlike:
leonidas56 7 Jan, 2018 @ 10:28pm 
wadjet eye is good eye