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6.3 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
the emoji cover is a huge nope for an otherwise hilarious and fun game.

looks like a roblox cover the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing
Posted 4 March.
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4.2 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Cool game
Cosmetic DLC that costs just as much as the game itself when the game itself is clearly still in beta is a ballsy move though. Someone desperately needs a reality check.
Posted 18 January.
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23.3 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Let 'em cook.
Posted 25 September, 2024.
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77.2 hrs on record (62.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
GRIND! But fun!...?

If you're addicted to raising numbers and grinding unlocks, here it is. 300+ achievements and counting for all the characters, weapons, skills, maps, and challenges in the game. If you've razzled dazzled this scene before in Vampire Survivor and the like, you know the drill. If you ever had the complaint, "I already got everything, not much else to collect stuff for." then Soulstone Survivor is the solution.

My biggest gripe is the balancing. You'll find some skills are useless compared to the heavy hitters. Personally I find just trying one of everything doesnt keep me too hang up on that detail.

Posted 9 June, 2024.
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113.0 hrs on record (105.1 hrs at review time)
Todd came back from getting milk only to dump it all over your arts and craft project and staring into your eyes expecting a giant thank you.

Also the milk is spoiled and some of the pieces for your project are no longer available in stores.

Posted 14 May, 2024.
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14.1 hrs on record
There's a lot of SCP-like weirdness to sink your teeth into here. The prime motivation for pushing through the waves of Hiss is digging more of the complex mysteries the Old House has in store. If you love reading through the SCP documents and House of Leaves, you'll love the rich lore and fragmented story telling of a bigger picture this game has.

Which is a damn shame the gameplay loop doesn't quite meet the same mark. As awesome as it is feeling like a super-villain throwing chairs, cabinets, toilets, and satellite dishes at ex-employees now that you're the cool new boss, the endless waves of bland Hiss variants will grate at you.

I absolutely recommend this if you ever wanted to explore a super secret facility filled with eldritch god refrigerators and stalker rubber duckies, but I assure you, you won't be staying for the combat.
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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93.5 hrs on record (84.2 hrs at review time)
I could easily link my psn account that I've had for years.

but the multibillion corp could also just as easily not enforce such a pointless account requirement. Do better.

EDIT: As of May 6th, Sony has backpedaled the account linking requirement so it's back to positive review.

But do NOT forget what Sony tried to pull here. We should be proud to force them to change it back, we should not forget that they tried to do this as though nothing would happen.

Screw Kusony.
Posted 4 May, 2024. Last edited 5 May, 2024.
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68.3 hrs on record
FW is ZD if you kept watering that plant.

It's bigger, more vibrant, extremely fruity, and casts a nice shade over even more of the patriarchy.

And what FW has definitely required some trimming along the way:
So many weapons that'll you will never use half of them.
Tons of mix and match armors that you'll be thankful you can apply the look because wearing one to increase mount attack damage is next to useless.
Lots of political ideals and problems presented that ultimately get solved by a lesbian simp from a thousand years ago that also just.. decides to kill you.

What makes FW great overshadows it's major faults. That's a good thing, because if it was just the story alone I would give this game a hard: "Meh." Which pains me in every way when some of the elements could have come together as a cohesive and bombastic whole.

But everything else? You get to wrestle a giant mecha Spinosaurus in a cave before given the abiltiy to ride a mecha Pterodactyl wherever you please.

Lesbians are scary man. 8/10.
Posted 12 April, 2024.
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63.5 hrs on record
I think the presentation of characters and it's front story is about the weakest part of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Coming back to this game after playing on launch on ps4, I've found the writing to be pretty dated and lackluster in some areas. The *lore* is amazing and a solid foundation to a intriguing franchise.

This game runs so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ smooth for how beautiful it looks. A prime example of having a console port fully capable of being optimized for PC. If ever someone says it's too complicated or not feasible, point at this game and laugh at their faces.

Facing off against machines is the biggest draw. Giant mechanical t-rex's, rhinos, eagles. A wide variety of tools and weapons to choose from. Combat is engaging. You can look at a thunderjaw and go "I better avoid that" or you can think "What's the fastest and absurd way I can absolutely devastate this monster?" and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do it.

New Game + and ghost levels encourage to just keep playing. Keep fighting. Show off your take downs. Experiment. Challenge yourself. Explore. Loot. While the story is weak it makes up for it in just how addicting it is to HUNT these machines like a trained professional.

I platinum'd this thing on ps4, and I 100%'d here on steam. If they for whatever stupid reason decide to pull a skyrim and re-release this baby as some kind of "definitive complete hunter editon" I will GLADY 100% it again. No hesitation.
Posted 29 March, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
13.9 hrs on record
Well worth the price for the content.
+Amazing Pixel Art
+Good Music
+Can keep you hooked for hours on unlocks.
-/+ Interesting Story? It's a specific taste.
-Memory Leak Issues require a restart after a few hours
- You'll get annoyed with the menus after a while

Overall the entire package is fun and engaging to keep you busy for a few hours. Hoping for more!
Posted 23 March, 2024.
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